Purdue chaos.

<p>Well, I've just about had it with PU. I waited 3 months for their stupid decision date (Dec. 5) and I (nervously) go to check my app yesterday at 5 and my app now says "Pending". I just couldn't believe it. My SAT scores werent exactly the best..but they werent horrible either. I called two months ago and the admissions person said everything I needed was in..and now the app is telling me that I have outstanding information....does this mean that I'm not good enough and they need more proof that I can handle my school work cause now its asking for NEW sat scores and seventh semester HS grades...Im so upset...anyone care to help me?
Oh, and the even worse news...any new processed information can take from 8-10 weeks to process meaning that I won't get a decision before the end of this year... :(</p>

<p>whats your stats? and they still havent received my transcript yet, i sent it like a month ago... this is ridic..</p>

<p>1500 SATs..
3.45 Gpa</p>

<p>Not so great...but im only going for education..</p>

<p>My daughter has similar stats...They havent even marked her file complete yet altho her transcripts were sent out a month ago..Schools she applied to after have already accepted her or at least marked her file complete..I guess there isnt much you can do but wait until you get a letter. I think they are probably so overwhelmed with instate apps I am sure being up they are becoming more selective...I expect my daughter will eventually be denied with her scores considering she is out of state (altho I would think schools today would welcome the extra OOS tuition but I dont know if it matters)</p>

<p>Was your application previous marked as "complete" and now shows as "pending?" If that's the case, you may be deferred pending additional test scores or mid-year grades.</p>

<p>What does deferred mean? That I'm not good enough basically? ha. The thing is though..I'm only majoring in english and education...my grades through high school have been super..especially my english...honors all the way...so i'm just so lost</p>

<p>If a college felt you "weren't good enough," or more accurately just not the right candidate for their school, they would issue a rejection. A deferral means they still see the candidate as a possibility, but need more information and are giving the candidate a chance to improve grades/test scores.</p>

<p>You haven't responded to whether your status changed on the website, but I offered the possibility of deferral as a reason it may have changed to pending.</p>

<p>Good luck, and remember the college search is about mutual fit - a school and a student that are right for each other!</p>

<p>I don't know if it is the case for erin09. But it appears on Purdue thread that folks assume Purdue is safety for them beforehand, and when something goes wrong, they blame Purdue. If it was Stanford, and they are deferred, they will bow to Stanford for its high standards and excellence. But the same outcome at Purdue means chaos. On the other hand, if Purdue cannot handle the workload, they should go back to rolling admissions and not set expectations of decision by Dec. 5th.</p>

<p>I agree with what 2 cents has said. Especially about the rolling admissions. My daughter certainly was under the impression that if she had all her material in on time, she would get a decision on 12/5. Seems like Purdue wants to have their cake and eat it too. Either they need to figure out a way to get all the applications reviewed that were turned in on time and get a decision out by the due date, or move the date or simply call it like it is, a rolling admissions.</p>

<p>I agree. Purdue really needs to just keep the rolling admissions idea if they aren't going to be able to give a decision when they said. I understand the massive amounts of people that applied to Purdue...but again...we are human and have feelings...we are not all just 'applicants"...i was really hurt when i looked and knew I would STILL have to be waiting...after three months...another thing I think PU didn't consider is the amount of people that will be calling first thing Monday. </p>

<p>I only call it chaos, 2cents, because it is chaotic.
I just want to know..</p>

<p>erin09 - This is what the website says about a Pending status</p>


<p>My admission decision reads “Pending/Additional Info.” What does that mean?
The Pending/Additional Info decision means that the Admissions Committee requires additional academic information before it can make a final decision regarding your application. The required information is listed in the Requirements section of your online application status. You also will be or have been sent a letter listing the required information. Once we receive the additional information, you can expect a final decision within 8-10 weeks.</p>

<p>You also mentioned that you are only applying for Education and/or English. I don't think they have different standards for different things. Well, of course for somethings like Engineering they do. I think they just want to see if you have continued to improve your grades or if they have decreased.</p>

<p>Also, sometimes schools do this because they want you to show them you are still interested and not just fishing for a school. Did you take any other SAT/ACT tests since you submitted your scores? How about your grades this semester, have they been consistent or better than what you have been doing?</p>

<p>It does sound like you are being deferred, which is not too uncommon on the early action stuff. If you haven't taken any additional tests and you really want to go to Purdue, you might want to get signed up for the Jan test date. Also, try the ACT. I know my daughter really like the ACT much better than the SAT</p>

<p>I can understand that. I did retake the SAT...and my score only improved by 10 points...(its something but still).. my grades have been great this semester...all A's with 2 A.P courses.. however, my senior year isn't so rigorous. I feel better about it all.. I just want to know.</p>

<p>I'm a freshman right now and I had a 3.0 GPA and 1640 SAT and I got into HTM which is supposedly "hard" to get into freshman year. and its a joke. but I think you still got a chance.</p>

<p>ha, well congrats. :)</p>

<p>Surprising, I called admissions twice yesterday and both times I was able to talk to a counselor.
I'll just have to wait for the decision.</p>

<p>I'm international </p>


<p>Hey! This message goes to all who're in this thread. I am Abhushan and am currently doing A levels ?(Senior Year ) in Nepal. could you tell me the difference between applying on Nov 15 AND Jan 15..... Also I couldnot find a single thing mentioned about aid package for international students in their website( except for federal grants made for US students only. But I do know there are 15 Nepali students studying there currently. So there must be sth. I tried contacting them by email and phone on Saturday and Sunday but all in vain . Please help me! </p>

<p>you can also send me anything (material) related to this topic in my address <a href="mailto:abhushan_14@hotmail.com">abhushan_14@hotmail.com</a> . plz help me!!!
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<p>Today, 08:56 PM #5<br>
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<p>Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 5 hey what form's do we need to fill out for the admissions process. I just want to check whether I 've got all things ready for january deadline</p>