Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

Congrats to those who have heard good news! Can you let us know when your app was considered complete by Purdue? S is OOS and his high school didn’t send their materials until October 15th so we are expecting we won’t hear for at least 4 weeks. Thanks!!

@itsXyrin My son’s application was complete on 8/25

For those who got accepted, please share the following info, thanks.

Submitted Date:
Application checklist completed Date:
Major in:
GPA (uw, w):
SAT/ACT Scores:
State (IN, oos, int’l):

As noted below, it would be helpful if those posting include stats (app date, major, gpa and test scores, etc.) Thanks!

Submitted Date: 8/25
Application checklist completed Date: 8/25
Major in: Engineering (MEEN or AERO)
GPA (uw, w): 3.62 / 4.66
SAT/ACT Scores: ACT 31 (32 Super scored)
State (IN, oos, int’l): OOS

DS has already been accepted to Iowa State (Merit scholarship), Oklahoma State (Merit Scholarship) and Texas A&M (waiting on Engineering Acceptance). He wanted to apply to Purdue but unless he gets a scholarship that gets it close to same cost of TX state schools like the merit scholarship he already received from ISU and OSU it is not likely he will accept but who knows.

Submitted Date: 9/10/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 9/28/2016
Major in: Engineering
GPA (uw, w):
SAT/ACT Scores: ACT 33
State (IN, oos, int’l): TX

Submitted Date: 8/30
Application checklist completed Date: 9/7
Major in: Engineering (AERO)
GPA (uw, w): 4.00 / 4.35
SAT/ACT Scores: ACT 34
State (IN, oos, int’l): OOS

Sure enough, like the person earlier said, at 5pm today status chagned on Purdue to accepted Business. Application submitted 9/26/16. Campus visit 10/7/16. All documents ready for committee on 10/11/16. Decision received 10/21/16. 4.0 (W), 26 ACT. NHS and lots of ECs, strong academic rigor. OOS.

D1 Accepted Nursing:
Application completed ~ month ago.
GPA: 3.67 uw, 3.77 w
ACT: 29
Strengths: hospital internships, tons of leadership and volunteer work, great essay about internship, likely great recommendations

Anyone got accepted today?

Son just got accepted into the College of Engineering!
App submitted: 9/25/16
GPA: 4.0 UW/ 6.96 W
SAT: 2210

Does anyone know how and when shall we check on the merit based scholarships? Thank you!

Do the emails go out all at 5:00? Did your application portals update right away? If we haven’t heard anything by now, does that mean we wait another week?

Still waiting here, but his transcript wasn’t sent until this week.

Submitted Date: 9/23
Application checklist completed Date: 9/24
Major in: FYE
GPA(uw , w): 3.74, 3.95
New SAT: 1350 (700 Math, 650 CRW)
State: In-state

So excited to be accepted! Purdue was really the only school I wanted to go to, it’s nice to not have to worry about not having a back-up plan anymore!

Is there any distinction when you apply for EA vs rolling admissions, or is it just based on the date you apply on?

Submitted Date: 10/18
Application checklist completed Date: 10/18
Major in: animal science
GPA(uw , w): 4.0, 5.0
ACT 33
State: oos

I was so shocked to see the email-- ten days is fast!

@ScottyJ59 My understanding is that they don’t have EA, Prospective students apply by Nov 1st for merit consideration and are considered for admissions on a rolling basis. They will release a set of decisions every Friday at 5. I thought it was based on when you applied, but @swimmer8 noted a short 10 day turnaround. Since swimmer8 is OOS, It could be that the AO for his/her state is all caught up, but that is just a guess. This is based on my understanding of their process, but if anyone has more info please chime in.

My S also said that the app did not list EA, only rolling. 11/1 is the priority deadline for merit consideration.