Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

For majors like nursing and CS, Purdue said they fill these spots and could be full by RD time so I assume most kids applied early. I think there will be some affect on the acceptance rate as high stats kids are throwing out 20+ apps.

I think I found something: on the app status page, inspect element, go to sources, and double click on admissions.purdue.edu. Mines opens a folder that says “admitted.” Can anyone else check and see if they’re getting the same thing?


I also have this.

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Congrats to both of you

What does yours say?

I also saw that admitted page. Hopefully, it means we got in

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I dont see that folder.

What happened when you double click it?

Nothing shows up.

I pm’d you

It may doesn’t mean anything, we will find out for sure tomorrow.

wait. are you talking about the “admitted” in the .js url

If you get into Purdue, how long does it take to hear about scholarships and finaid?

It should show up as a folder after you double click the tab saying “www.admissions.purdue.edu” I could post a screenshot of what I see

Are you all talking about this?



Not sure how to interpret this. But let’s hope.

If you know others applying, check and see if they have it as well. If everyone has it, well
 probably unlikely to be significant

Or I can just go to bed on that hopeful note :slight_smile:


I see the same. I’m letting D22 look at the official status update for herself tomorrow(?) to find her result. (and validate whether this is true)