Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I have all 7 options, including change of major. I may not be admitted for CS tonight, but I don’t see any reason why I would be rejected for Accounting (my second choice). Nobody from my school has ever been rejected from Purdue with a 30+ ACT and 3.9+ GPA according to Naviance, and I submitted a ~4.5 and a 1460 SAT/34 ACT (not sure if they saw the 34 though)

We are probably overthinking this.


Its fun reading about all the speculations

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Why 5 p.m.?

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We have paid around $46K per year, for the past 4 years, for our OOS child at Purdue.

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Yes, you are! :grinning:

Get off the internet, turn off your cell phone, get away from any screens, and go out and do something fun tonight! Whatever the result may be, the die has been cast; so there’s no need to get worked up over things.


Noooooo … don’t say that, that will mean we need to have a life :roll_eyes:
I like this stress


@tatkins - Like your sense of humor in all this madness

I think that colleges wait until safely after school and extracurricular activity hours to post decisions such as not to distract kids from their studies/activities – I’m sure high schools appreciate that. Just a hunch.


yes and so that people don’t call them (admissions) on that day about the results. They can go home and relax


True, true! I am in my spanish class right now bored out of my mind :smiley:

Might need a break from my screen though, so good idea!!

Thank you for that true reference. I appreciate you. It is nice to learn from someone who knows. There is so much to consider with the decision of the “right” school; money is almost always the bottom line. There is a lot of work that has to be done if kiddos really want to be somewhere. Scholarship apps, work, consideration of loans (if it’s that important to them), etc.


Muy bien

All, there’s a fine line between having fun with the tea leaves and internalizing unneeded anxiety. If you feel yourself becoming increasingly anxious, do as Gandalf78 suggested and get offline. Eat a snack, go for a walk, read a book, and check back at 5 pm. You will get through this but the suffering is in the waiting :hugs:


well said search2022. I am going offline till 5

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same here, might get a nap in to pay off my sleep debt

best of luck to everyone!!

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Wow, my friend has her enrollment deposit waived, the $500. Shows in her portal. I’m assuming she’s in.

She has all 7 of the options, I had her check. Sitting by her in spanish LOL.

That is nice, Did the information just come out?

where in the portal?

She just checked her portal for the first time today, yesterday it never had anything! But decisions aren’t released yet.

^^Should clarify, she looked at the actual portal more in depth today. She had previously logged on and glanced briefly but that was it.

Checklist and status.

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