Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Anyone know if they send something in the mail as well? Our usps preview email shows a letter arriving today from the program my son applied to at Purdue. I’m overthinking!

yes they do send mail after the acceptance decision. So, mail will come after the email/decision on portal is posted

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But if something is arriving today does that mean anything either way? Anyone else receiving something today? And does it come from the admissions office or from the specific department? I’m definitely overthinking.

Not completely agree. Given EA is 1/15 , RD deadline for most schools are early Jan, how are kids in a position to stop applying RD? As far as CS jobs, competition becoming stiffer, supply is gradually exceeding demand. Internship is becoming highly selective, you need to solve many difficult problems in a mere 45 minutes. True that app developer never needs a college degree, but rarely receive a six figure. I suspect test optional is what driving up the number of otherwise qualified applicants. IMO SAT/ACT are ancient gauges, should have been obsolete long ago.

I think a top 25% class position at a top 30 CS school or a top 20 generally ranked school is getting you a 150k-250k job in CS these days, without even considering the extremely high paying jobs.

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Even at Berkeley, the median EECS salaries are only around 140k.

I believe Purdue’s average CS starting salary is ~95k if I remember correctly.

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Correct but thats mainly a function of the geography. Purdue grads going to the same silicon valley or seattle firms will make similar salaries as Berkeley grads.




The median is neither here nor there. I am a parent, but I am seriously engaged with the state of affairs of this market :-). You can count here: https://careers.tufts.edu/resources/2020-employment-destination-outcomes-by-major/ by clicking computer science. You can get first year salary data from doing something like this for each company: Google Salaries | Levels.fyi


I like your humor, clever.

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This is the current top of the market: Hudson River Trading Software Engineer Salary | $200K-$500K+ | Levels.fyi

Holy, those fintech. No wonder, all kids want CS, CS, CS!

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Dont think supply is outstripping demand. Lot more CS jobs than available engineers.
and hence the huge salary and bonuses

Just to be careful, that was not fintech :-). That sector is called “quant”

you have to be careful looking at this, as they are all not undergraduate degree holders. quants usually have a masters or phd.


They don’t distinguish between undergrad and masters. 400k+ is undergrad pay at HRT. Here is fintech: Stripe Software Engineer Salary | $246K-$898K+ | Levels.fyi Of course not all fintech pays this kind of money.

The $234k is total comp. The Berkeley #s I mentioned are median salaries without bonus components. For L1s, you can see the base is $132k which is right in line with what the UCB reports.

I agree that the base is 134k. The first thing is I don’t know which number UC Berkeley is reporting. I think they report total comp, not just the base. It is also possible that median total comp could be 130k. But I am saying that the top quartile is 150k-250k not counting the quants. The median of the top quartile is 200k. Nobody goes to Stripe to make 134k.

I suggest using DoE’s database of program-level salaries. I believe it has way more data than any of the others often cited. CMU and Caltech are the only ones with 1 and 2 year salaries over 150 k (161 and 165, iirc). Purdue is mid-80s.

(Yes, the numbers my CMU Math PhD candidate friend is seeing are substantially higher.)

Back to Purdue. I’m not reading much into the “admitted” folder and haven’t looked at anything - number of tabs, links, etc. - since that popped up just before bedtime. 5p is a few hours away - I’ll check in then.