Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Wow. I’m glad my older daughter applied 5 years ago. Good luck in RD.

Thank you so much. My daughter got admitted to FYE. Her choice of major was BME, but the acceptance letter is not saying anything about the major. So got confused. Thank you so much for the details. It helped!

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The March decision is only for need based aid right? Merit awards are only at admission time if I am not mistaken

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got into FYE: 1440 SAT (800 M), 3.6 UW, 4.1 W


Got in!! CS – No scholarship :smiley:


That’s my understanding, yes, for the big awards. National Merit and others are later, along with need-based aid.

All engineers start in FYE. The transition to major happens at the the end of freshman year.


Your daughter has great stats and opportunity for many high level admissions.
Does Purdue seem to hand out merit to those who they think are more likely to attend there? My kid got in as well. No merit. Very competitive stats. He did not apply to honors. Perhaps that was a hint that it wasn’t his top choice.


Yay!! Congratulations!!! Now we can happily say “boiler up” together!! BTW, the merit scholarships info was written in the second paragraph of her acceptance letter. My D didn’t make it to honor, but received the presidential scholarship. We are very grateful and happy.


My daughter got accepted in FYE. She really likes Purdue based on our visit and other info she has procured over the last 6 months. She has a lot of options and the decision will be a tough one.


My daughter was awarded the Presidential Award.

FYE and Honors College


Doesn’t seem like any CS got merit.

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I was wondering in case there were any admits in this EA wave for those who did not report their test scores particularly
for CS/DS majors.

Doesn’t look like anybody got a scholarship for CS. But I guess Purdue is such a great value even for OOS students like me.

Waiting for my son’s decision.

Do roughly half switch majors out of engineering or with such a talented entering class, do the vast majority stick with it?

The dean told my D’s FYE class (she was a freshman in '18) that over 93% stay in engineering.

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My hypothesis noted above is that they realize the demand for CS and don’t feel they need to offer merit to induce students to accept.

That would mean they hand out merit to those less inclined to attend, to persuade them.

Her sister recently graduated, so perhaps another indication to them that she’s more likely to attend than otherwise expected for her profile.

Data Digest says for the class enrolled in 2015, 82% of those who graduated in 6 years graduated from Engineering. The remainder CODO’d to another college within Purdue. That’s of the 90% who graduated from Purdue.

94% stay in Engineering after the first year, 6% to other majors. Year 2 to 3 seems to be the largest migration.

Engineering has the third highest graduation retention rate, just behind Agriculture and Health and Human Services.


That’s usually the case at most schools that admit directly to a major… and it also depends on what are strong programs at each school… in general…CS, Engineering, BArch, etc are high stats, and Education, etc are, on the average, lower… there is also a lot lost in just listing stats that factor into the admission decision…such as gender, residency/location, demonstrative interest, first generation status, previous kids from the high school that matriculated at Purdue, AO’s opinion/ knowledge of level of rigor of high school, etc

Yes, I think it’s safe to say the CS/FYE are strong suits for Purdue, and more competitive for admissions than the school average. This isn’t completely atypical for several large state schools - UIUC, Washington are similar. Washington’s OOS CS admission rate is under 3%, iirc.

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