Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Accepted cybersecurity :slight_smile: with honors college and trustee scholarship.

Oos (CA), female, UW 4.0, 10 APs, solid ECs.


Son accepted in Engineering with Presidential scholarship. Happy for him. Edit to add out of state 1550 SAT one sitting (800 math) 10 APs all 5s so far with 5 more APs this year and 4.0 gpa


Thats awesome!! Congratulations! Could you pl share his stats?

congrats to your son! reading this all for next year; do you mind sharing stats?

rich - i see your name on the forum quite a bit. do you have other schools your kid is looking at?

Congrats. Wonder if the merit has something to do with the major you are admitted. At least that was our experience at another school where my son got admitted to IBE.

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Thats awesome!! Congratulations! Could you pl share his stats?

Son got accepted to FYE w Presidential Scholarship and Honors College. Very excited! Congratulations everyone!


Our son was accepted for engineering at Purdue. We just learned at 9:50pm because he was at… wait for it… a First Robotics build session. He is now 5/5. Next up, UofM at the end the month.


Congratulations! 5/5! Can’t wait to hear where this kid lands :hugs:

Congratulations! How does Purdue compare to other acceptances? Nice for your top kiddo to have options :blush:

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But merit awards for CS students incentivizes the students to accept when they would be looking elsewhere ?

Ha! I was at an FRC build session too when the decision came out. I checked it right away though lol. Congratulations to your son—he’s gonna do great things!



Do you mind sharing which colleges make up the 5/5?

Son was deferred from FYE. 3.95 GPA, 1560 SAT, 8 APs, 8 honors, class VP, Civil Air Patrol officer, Robotics Team Leader (Shop Lead), 1st grade tutor, varsity hockey (captain), baseball and sailing.

Awesome. What are his stats?

That’s really shocking! His stats are incredible

That is shocking.

Daughter in for HHS Brain and Behavioral Sciences. OOS 3.9 GPA


Sure. OOS; UW GPA 3.96; Weighted GPA 4.63; no SAT/ACT; 12 APs; very heavy ECs

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