Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thank you! Yeah, it was my first choice major because I was exposed to it during a summer course and really enjoyed it.


I didn’t get the invitation. I got into Krannert as my second major but no merit or invitation. I saw their threshold for Larsen and my stats are far beyond their averages. Not sure why.

I have a quick question regarding the Data Science Major offered by the College of Sciences. I see data science being listed under:
1.Computer Science : Data Science College of Science- Data-Science-CS-STAT.pdf(has the program progression guide)

  1. Math : Data Science – Mathematics College of Science- Data-Science-MATH.pdf(has the deg progression guide)

  2. Statistics.: Data Science College of Science- Data-Science-CS-STAT.pdf(has the degree progression guide)

When I look at the degree progression guide #1 and #3 seem to be same while #2 is different. Appreciate if someone can clarify if there is only one Data science program from the college of sciences which is in the CS dept.

They just do. :rofl:

This is consistent with the advice I’ve been providing, following on information in the school newspaper in 2019. It certainly hasn’t improved since then.

“We are actually very very clear, though, in the admissions process to students that ‘please do not come to Purdue if you think you’re going to go into CS unless you are directly admitted’ because there absolutely is no guarantee,”

Given the popularity and speed with which the programs close, it’s not surprising that Engineering is following this path, to some extent.

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S22 (SAT: 1530, UWGPA 3.8) got admission into Purdue Computer and Info Technology at the Purdue Polytechnic.

Any of you have advice on how well this course is regarded within and out of Purdue? Are his career options limited by doing C+ IT instead of CS (or) does it really not matter? Also, he loves to code and build apps, but does not like abstract math so we thought this was a better fit than CS Engineering,

Anecdotally, our parent FB group is filled with CIT students having great job offers. What’s less known to me is what the long term career trajectory is for students with tech degrees vs CS. You might have your student reach out to the Purdue Career Center to ask that question. https://www.cco.purdue.edu askcco@purdue.edu

Did not receive any indication of scholarship or aid in acceptance email but received email recently titled “Create Career Account to View Your Financial Aid Award” which will be out in Feb. Does that mean that there is some award after all? Anyone get this?

That’s for mid march, everyone gets it. I got no merit but got that email.

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My guess is that it is a general financial package which may/may not included federal student aid loan info, work study, grants, etc
if merit scholarships have been awarded they will be listed here too. You set up the account now and sometime in March you will be able to view the whole financial statement for your student.

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Hi Thank you. Can you share the link to the FB group?

I don’t think it’s up and running yet. I’ve only seen “unofficial” pages so far. A member of our class of '22 group said parents should be getting an email.


DS has a comment on his essay in the acceptance from Case Western. I think they may have commented on all of them. He applied EA.

Exactly - I was surprised at the variety of pricing when looking at housing. For example, my DS was admitted to honors/FYE. A double in the honors college dorm is listed at $6484, while a triple is listed at $4860. In Earhart (where Goss is housed), a double is $4860. I didn’t cost compare to other dorms, so I’m wondering if the honors college dorm is more expensive as it’s relatively new.

@SajA I’m putting our budget at $45,000. I think, with flights, I might be underestimating and plan to recalculate closer to decision date. We were hoping for some merit, but understand how competitive it is (DS has 4.0 - grades out of 100; unweighted GPS 98, but nothing under at 94; 1550 SAT; highest rigor offered except not AP English this year; good but not exceptional leadership and ECs).


Exact same situation here. High stats, little merit.

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My DS lives in Honors in a Large Double. The dorm is new, bathrooms are nice and spread out on floors and there are many hang out spaces on each floor. Each room has individual heating/cooling controls. The location of the dorm is also great for FYE students.


Can I ask a few questions about your son’s honors experience this year?

Do you think the honors dorm situation has helped your son meet friends?

Does he like being in honors? What do you see as the benefits of the program?

Not directed to me but I can tell you what my D has loved about honors in addition to the dorm and location.

The big positives for her:

Honors engineering design and honors seminar. She’s a senior now and still friends with people she met through those courses.

Leadership and mentoring opportunities as an upper class.

Honors study abroad

She also got her first job working in honors engineering.

She also felt she had better advising but that’s totally subjective.


Thanks! We are very interested in hearing the benefits of the Honors program. The biggest hurdle with Purdue is size. We found the campus to be very manageable, but the sheer number of students is daunting. Do you think honors made the school
“smaller” in some way?

100% the living learning communities make the university feel much smaller!