Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thanks for sharing. Not sure why my son did not get his first choice. His plan was chemical engineering. He has a 34 ACT and unweighted 3.78 GPA, weighted 4.24. He did get into his second choice, exploratory studies.

Yes, but if I recall it took 3-4 weeks.

I was responding to the secondary process for the transition from first year engineering, where all engineers start, to the individual majors. The admissions process for incoming freshmen is entirely different.

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For those engineering admits not in the Honors College, the Women In Engineering Learning Community is similarly housed together (Shreve and Earnhardt) and was similarly valuable for my daughter.

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I was offered almost a full ride to Alabama Mechanical Engineering. It would be $4K a year. However, Purdue is my top choice school for FYE. I was only given $1k for NHRP. The COA will be around $40k. Is Purdue worth the extra cost? I have never even been to the south before. I am from New England.

Paging @tsbna44

Their son chose Alabama over Purdue. Hopefully they will chime in!

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The biggest consideration is the likely location of your first job (you can check the career services report). After your first job, especially for engineers, the school name matters less and less.

I suspect Alabama would be fine, since it is a big school and attracts tons of OOS students, including from New England. If you have time, you could visit to feel the vibe.

Hoping to work in New England after I finish college. My dad is an Engineer for a defense contractor and I would like to work there too.

Look at the first destination surveys and do a deeper dive on the employers that recruit at Alabama. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

FWIW, my H does a lot of engineering recruiting and he’s been very impressed with the grads coming out of Alabama.

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About 50% of Bama undergraduates are from OOS.

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I think there are at least 5 just from my small high school. I worry that I won’t fit into the party atmosphere or fraternities. I am not into either. I felt super comfortable at Purdue.I am afraid Alabama will be out fo my comfort zone.

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I understand. But I suspect that you are not going to find a lot of hard partiers or frat daddies in the engineering programs at Bama – at least, they probably won’t be there for long!

A have a son who is in engineering at Purdue, and he would agree with you about the comfort level there.

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Purdue is ranked #4 and Alabama is ranked #131 for Engg on UsNews. Those seem far apart. Curious why someone would pick Alabama over Purdue.

Because DHark would save $144,000!


oh ok. Didn’t know.

Which is scary looking at it that way lol!

Hi! Do you know much about the Larsen Leadership Academy? My son did not get into his first pick of engineering. He got into Krannert and invited to the academy. We don’t know much about it. He did not receive any merit either. Are there any scholarships they can apply for because they are in Larsens?

Does anyone know if you were already accepted to Purdue, are midterm reports necessary? My high school wants to send them automatically. It will look like I only took guitar this year because it is my only semester class. I am also taking many classes at a college which will not show up until the courses are completed. I want my high school to wait until the year is complete to send anything.

I don’t believe you need to send midterm reports. If your school does it automatically, make sure your GC sends a note with an explanation.

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I just sent her an email to ask her to not send at all. It is just too confusing. I want her to wait until the final transcript. My portal says it is the only thing needed at this point.