Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My understanding is that the EAI would be whatever level of math, physics, chem or CS courses you take freshman year, along with engineering design.

So that will make it harder for me if I have to take the 2nd year level courses to get a high EAI?
Also, if your are in the honors College do you have to take ENG 161 and 162? How hard are these courses?

Many FYE’s start in higher level courses. You will be in good company. Just be sure you take the old exams (available on line) to ensure that you will be using your AP credit. My understanding is that the rule of thumb is if you get over 85% on the old finals, you’ll be OK to move on.

My D loved honors engineering design. Lots of work but her favorite course freshman year.

I honestly think you will be fine!


I have not taken AP Chem since freshman year so not sure I will remember it!!

That is my DS’s concern as well. He took AP Physics C as a Junior, but most of it was remote and they didn’t finish the curriculum. He also took APBC Calc as a Junior. He plans to try and refresh his memory over the summer. He’s thinking he’ll just start at the beginning with Physics, but take Calc 2. He’s in AP Chem now and hoping to place out of the initial requirement. I looked at the requirements and I believe you have to have 5s to place out.

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I spend all my free time tutoring my sisters in AP Physics, AP Calc and AP Chem so hope that will help me lol.

If the old exams are difficult, don’t skip ahead. You want a solid foundation.


My S took CHM 115 even though he had the AP credit. He really liked the professor and the labs. They were much better than the AP course according to him. He also had to take MA261 and ENG 161. He also took Presidential Seminar with President Daniels. He like the Evolution of ideas Honors class too.

There are ways to wiggle out of ENG 161 and 162 but why would you?

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Anyone have any knowledge or experience with appeal/change of major for Purdue?

I was accepted EA to Purdue. However I was denied for FYE but accepted for “Exploratory Studies.” Based on a discussion with my Purdue admissions officer, I put in an appeal/change-of-major request to switch to FYE prior to enrollment based on strong 1st semester grades and additional EC information.

97% unweighted GPA, 1550 SAT (790M/760E), A’s in 7 math/science APs, decent engineering related ECs, good essays, assuming good LOR’s including one from a college professor I took an undergrad course with (not DE). I’m OOS.

Anyone know how long the process is? Likelihood of getting approval to change from Exploratory Studies to FYE prior to enrollment.

I never said I wanted to get out of them. I am just trying to figure out which courses are required for Honors College Engineering.

What ever math and science classes you take freshman year will count for the engineering index for transition to major.


Just paid the deposit to accept my son’s admission to Purdue!


Boiler Up!


I am accepted into the Engineering School. Due to lack of time during application, I did not apply for honors program. Is there a way I can still apply now or after enrollment?

Also for merit scholarship, my family did not ask for financial help. Is the scholarship awarded based on both need and merit? Or regardless if you indicate your need or not, the school just awards them?

Appreciate some clarification.

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I do not believe you can apply for honors now.

Merit awards are not based on need.

If left alone in an index fund… perhaps… but we individuals are known to destroy the value of our investments by trying to do things on our own

Are there any FB groups or other sources of info you all can recommend for parents of admitted students? I am not a regular social media user and I joined one group but not sure if it was “the one”. TIA

University merit scholarships are based on merit, not need, and are generally included in the acceptance letter. Other university financial aid, awarded later, is based on need.

Some colleges (Education, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, and the Polytechnic Institute) have their own merit scholarships, also awarded later. The FAFSA and supplemental applications need to be filed to be eligible for college-sponsored Merit scholarships.

“in general, international undergraduate students are not eligible for financial aid and scholarships.”

My understanding is the official group isn’t up and running yet but there will be an email coming.

We’re going to the admitted students open house on 2/21. It would be good to experience the on-campus dining scene. Looks like Purdue Memorial Union opened up recently. Are they open to visitors (cash/card)? Looking for any other recommendations as well. Thanks!