Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

Oh wow never knew Purdue or any colleges do that ?
Is this normal every year to close the admissions for some majors ?

@momofboiler1 Do you (or if anyone else knows please pipe in) know if Purdue allows students to take any courses (for instance English or the Foreign Language/Cultural requirement) at a community college during the summer (or any time really)?

My son really likes the depth of the CS program there and he’s highly interested in Machine Learning which they have a track in with lots of options, but the flip side is he doesn’t like a lot of the other requirements. It’s funny because Purdue is known as a Tech school and then he got into UVA which is a more traditional diverse college and the only non-Engineering type courses he would have are just 5 electives type of Gen Ed, no English requirement (I find this so odd) and some of these would be met already by things like AP Econ that he has, so he would have very few of those credits. So, I suggested maybe he just get some of these out of the way in summer school if it’s allowed since Purdue is public and may be less restrictive than some of the private schools he applied to.

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Purdue was very upfront when my D was applying that students needed to apply EA because their most popular majors fill up. Unlike other schools, they don’t necessarily hold any spots for RD. Students also need to apply EA to be considered for honors and merit awards.

Purdue used to be rolling admission (switched over to EA/RD in '18) so I think it’s a holdover from those days.

Yes, but take it through Ivy Tech if you can or are in Indiana!
Ironically, before Mitch Daniels became president of Purdue he was governor and set up CTL which makes it mandatory to accept courses at all public universities. Watch language though as I saw they might not have same course. If your son took AP Language and did well they do accept that for AP credit!

I should say mandatory to accept credits from
CTL in all Indiana public universities for credit! (Not private ones)

I remember being told during orientation that students should check with their advisors first about what could be taken elsewhere to meet gen ed requirements, and where.

Purdue is pretty generous with AP credits so you may find that your son is able to meet some of his gen eds that way.

The majority of D’s friends who have taken courses outside the normal school year have either gone through Ivy Tech or did online Purdue summer courses.

I will also put out there that per my D, it was nice to have a non STEM course to “lighten the load” a bit, especially 1st year.

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Thanks. @MITWannaBe2015 we are out of state in IL so can’t take it in IN. Not sure what Ivy Tech is but will check that out. I know there’s some website called transferology or something like that which tells you how and what courses transfer over. I just remembered it from looking at stuff for my other son years ago.

@momofboiler1 and @NJcollege2021 This is correct about Purdue telling students to apply EA. On the website for CS it actually says to apply EA for best chance or something like that. I specifically remember this because my son wasn’t going to apply EA originally because Purdue doesn’t really give merit so what was the hurry, but then when he read that he realized he needed to apply EA.

From the AP list it looks like he will have credit for at least 9 courses and maybe 11. However, he will want to retake AP CS and not take the credit they give for that one, not sure if that’s even the required course, he didn’t take AP English (not our thing in this house lol), and he was supposed to take the AP SPanish last year as our school recommends it if you’ve taken through Spanish 4 Honors and not taking AP, however, when it went to an online format and was only oral he knew that was going to be too difficult for him so he didn’t take it and now doesn’t want to take it this year. So other than APUSH and AP Econ I don’t think has enough Gened credits and definitely not those culture ones. We probably need to map it out. He also has some dual credit but not sure he will claim those or retake the course as it probably is better to retake.

I already applied EA and it was them who deferred me I guess they should’ve rejected me directly if they didn’t think they would be able to accept me. So stressed to hear that I won’t get in now😞

If you were deferred from EA, don’t give up. Purdue’s yield isn’t the highest so spots may open up for applicants that were deferred.

You think mechanical engineering is almost as competitive as CS?

Yes, to the extent that most universities have a plan for a number of admitted students to each school/major/total, based on how they accept students, and then often have options for alternatives.

For example, many students who don’t get into CMU’s CS programs get accepted to a second choice of Engineering ECE, Heinz Information Technology or Dietrich Information Systems. Many other schools are similar.

FYE isn’t quite as competitive as CS, but it’s a close second at the University.

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My son was admitted to the Honors College, but no merit. His major is CS. Does anyone have any insight? We are really disappointed!

Purdue is not known for giving much merit and that’s even more true for CS. That said, Purdue for OOS is one of the best bargains for a University of that caliber that you will find. We live in Illinois and it is the same cost to go to Purdue OOS as it is for Illinois in state. It is almost half the price to go to Purdue OOS as it is to go to schools like Michigan, Texas, or Virginia OOS. It’s all relative but when you compare apples to apples it is a steal.

They also have a tuition lock if I recall so you know what you’ll be paying for the next 4 years. Really can’t complain about that.

We live in IL. U of I is @ $32K ( I have a Jr there now & it’s only $27 this yr)), Purdue is @ $41K, so they are not even close. Merit would make the decision much easier.


Purdue has opted to keep tuition low for all students and is not generous with merit $, especially for OOS applicants applying to popular majors.

My D is a junior engineering student in honors college. She also didn’t receive merit. That said, tuition has been frozen for over 10 years now and Purdue was one of the more affordable schools on her list even without merit $.

In 2018, my friends son (Engineering Physics) received $10K in merit from Purdue, but no admittance to the Honors college. Go figure.

Is your student at UIUC in Engineering or Gies because UIUC Engineering/Gies are 5k more a year than all the other schools.

That said, here is the COA for UIUC and the high end, is for Engineering/Gies $38k+ so yeah, it is pretty close to your 41k for Purdue and for UIUC it’s also for a mid level dorm. Also at UIUC there are private dorms that many kids live in and if you go greek you’re going to spend more at UIUC than Purdue so bottom line again, is your cost is quite comparable between the two. It is definitely NOT a $9k difference.

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Very good points! My jr is an MCB major, so lower tuition & lives in an apartment, so lower cost of living. Unfortunately my younger son did not get accepted for CS (4% acceptance rate), but did for mathematics @ UIUC, so it’s a no go, unfortunately. Thank you for the clarification!

Similar position here, so I get it! My kids that got in for CS at Illinois didn’t go there and my kid that would be ok going there, didn’t put a second major and was offered PREP which he has no interest in, so same thing, no go, even with the savings. So we wait to hear from other schools and look at the schools he has heard from. Crappy year for these seniors.