Purdue University Admissions - Fall 2022

Applying to Purdue for Fall 2022? The deadline is coming up on January 15th. Decisions are expected by March 31st.

This is a space for the members of the class of 2026 to connect with other Purdue applicants and share stats, admissions updates, and results.

Might want to edit “Princeton” out of the body of the post ; )

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It’s so quiet here, wondering if there is another thread for Purdue RD? or did most people apply for EA?

Agree - quiet here. My son applied for RD, received "It’s a YES’ letter in snailmail on March 11th. We are in the SF Bay Area. Major is Industrial Design.

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Thanks for sharing! Congrats! Snailmail?! wow, was the portal updated as well?
My son applied for RD, CS major, still waiting.

Son applied RD Aerospace.
Bay Area, still awaiting decision.

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Nothing in Southern Cal as well

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Curious if a wave of acceptances were sent out or just a few. I can’t find anything on the internet. We are oos and still waiting to hear. I know some universities send out acceptances, then waitlists, and finally rejections. So worried that maybe we are waiting for a rejection since she hasn’t heard anything. But hopefully, a wave of acceptances hasn’t gone out yet. Fingers crosses.

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We are still waiting also. The clock is about to run out haha.

Same here, still waiting on RD.

What’s the date for the decisions?

ya wait for purdue too

My son applied RD for CS in January and received acceptance mid last week.


Interesting, hope the rest will be released soon.

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Care to share stats?

Sure. GPA is 4.0 UW. 13 APs. Score of 4-5 in all APs. SAT of 1550 with 800 in math. Single sitting.

ECs heavily focused on CS, such as UIL, Codewars. Leadership roles in establishing CS clubs in a suburban Houston HS.

He is also class valedictorian with a rank of 1/700 or so.

Guys when are the decisions coming up?

today or tomorrow

Is there any update on their socials?