***PURDUE University CLASS of 2022 Admission Thread

It used to be rolling admissions now ( applying fall 2017 for 2018) EA will be out Jan 15th

We were told Jan 15th also at an all day visit at PU in October

At an all day visit in Oct , they said admission will be Jan 15th, Merit around January 30th and end of February , Honors

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You will be in

How many of you have a “departmental scholarship application” link with a PUID and desired major in their “Check my Application Status” page?

Did everybody get this?

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@WilliamNYC I’ve had that for a while. I believe most people get them.

 so some actually got into purdue this early?? thats great!! i thght this year their were no trickle down, its to be released all on jan 14 
confused nd hard to wait

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It is confusing @comom25. EA does not mean that decisions can not trickle out before the notice deadline the university imposes upon itself. It only means that EA applicants are evaluated as one group and notices are only starting to go out once they have received all applications (i.e. after the EA submission deadline). This unlike rolling admission where evaluations can be done and decided upon as soon as they come in. Often times schools slowly release EA decisions, especially the “no brain sure thing” applicants.

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true @WilliamNYC , but then dont understand what changed over last year
 seems like repackaging

not comparing to other schools just wondering abt change in policy over purdue last yr

It’s not only repackaging. EA means that Purdue doesn’t notify any EA student before they received all EA applications. So each EA decision is made while the school knows the overal quality of their entire EA pool.
And so far I don’t think that Purdue has trickle released decisions yet. They might very well wait and release them all in one go. They don’t have to do that though and it still would be a typical “EA round”.

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I don’t beleive any has gotten in. Purdue representatives have indicated no “trickle” releases. They have said all EA decsions will come out on January 15.

i am worried i might not get in

You have an SAT of 1510 @boka. Why wouldn’t you get in?

@boka: Inasmuch as you have already submitted your application materials, you are overly stressing about something that is beyond your control, at this point.

So unless you are simply fishing for compliments, just step back and let things go for a while – until January 15, to be precise. Then you’ll get the only opinion about your qualifications that really matters.

@gandalf78 ya your right
 I just am watching some crazy smart people I know apply and already get into amazingly good schools
 just getting to my head

For the folks who received the Department Scholarship link, which school did you apply to (Engineering, Science etc). Purdue’s site has a link related to that, but it appears it is applicable to some schools, and the numbers available are also dependent on that.

What do you mean @vrn2000? Not sure I understand your post. My S got the scholarship link for Engineering.

How does Purdue send on January 15 email through portal or regular post office?

I think they send an email, and then accepted students get a mailed packet later @wizwind

Anyone here apply to the nursing program?