***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

@cshigh While there maybe slight salary variations in the first couple of years ie about 10-15k per year… After four years only the relevant experience and skills count… However you end up spending much more for top tier colleges to justify the earnings for the four years of work experience… Rather save that money and do masters in biz admin four years down the line from a v. top tier.

@AAA124555 - if this helps my daughter’s best friend is at Colorado School of Mines this year and she LOVES it. She is an EE major but her roommate is Mechanical. This cost there is super affordable as well. My daughter would have applied there if they would have had biomedical engineering. Good luck!

Already posted my stats and was accepted FYE. Most kids I know applied to 10+ schools. I applied to 3 and while I have a favorite, I would go to any of the 3 universities. Parents and kids right now might just be stung by the rejection while still having many options. It will all work out in the end.

Has any one been able to register for a Purdue is for me day?? I have tried every day for the College of Engineering and get the same error message. My son got accepted and really wants to participate in this program. thanks.

I had the same problem yesterday. I was doing via my phone and kept getting the error. Then tried via iPad and it went through on the first try.

FWIW, my daughter (who is head over heels in love with Purdue), would not have attended without direct admit to her intended college. She didn’t put down a second choice at any school that had this process because she was 110% sure about engineering. We know many students where it worked out in their favor but it’s not an easy transition to CODO (change of degree objectives) to popular majors (CS, eng, etc…).

YES!! what is the deal with that? I want to book flights etc but need the date first.

@momofsenior1 how does your daughter find it? Purdue boasts a low retention rate in the engineering course and a large amount of people dropout or switch majors. I am worried that the course is too rigorous, as I hope to enjoy my time in college and not study like a drone daily.

@khalidflex - My daughter is LOVING Purdue. She works extremely hard but had a very successful first semester, and is not anticipating trouble transitioning to her intended major (chem e). She belongs to a theater group, goes to sporting events, shows, works out, and is picking up another club this semester. She definitely has balance. I think she would tell you that you need good time management.

There are lots and lots of supports for students - help rooms for all FYE courses, tutors, TA review sessions, TA and prof office hours, etc… but students have to take the initiative to use of those resources.

I was able register us for the Purdue is for Me visit on 2/18/19!! My son was accepted in the FYE program - OOS (PA). Still not sure where he will end up but beyond proud to have Purdue as one of his top choices.

Comment about the Purdue visit days - more will open up so don’t panic if they are all showing “full”.

Can you only register for the Purdue is for Me visits if you accept the offer first?

I don’t believe so. I think the point of the Purdue visit is to help solidify the choice. Y

ou can’t register for STAR or BGR without accepting the offer, but that’s for course registration and orientation.

No… two of my friends (International- India) got in with SAT 1560(Math 2-800 Physics-790) and 1490 for CS, so I doubt it.

@sp2 ^

@sp2 I respectfully disagree. Many of the students with stellar stats have been accepted, my own daughter included. I do agree that they could not take ALL the stellar stats kids. We are finding that at every top tier program school. There are many other factors that the admissions considers. This journey is challenging and unpredictable even for the kids with stellar stats. You just gotta cast a wide net and something really good will come through!

@sp2 Also going to have to dissagree. I got in with stats almost identical to my brother (Also 19), who got rejected from Purdue for FYE. :frowning:
I’m grateful for getting in and sad for hi, but he liked Va tech better, so who knows with this?

@sunnryz said >> “@AAA124555 - if this helps my daughter’s best friend is at Colorado School of Mines this year and she LOVES it. She is an EE major but her roommate is Mechanical. This cost there is super affordable as well. My daughter would have applied there if they would have had biomedical engineering. Good luck!”

@sunnyrz, I got admitted at CSM but was rejected at Purdue. CSM is what I’m currently planning to attend and I would love to hear about the school from your friend. Please share my email (mwoody999@gmail.com) with her so I can ask a few questions and get to know about it a bit more. Thanks. Male to Female ratio (7:3) and course workload are the two issues I’m more worried about.

I think you can apply for Engineering after the Nov. 1 deadline, as long as it is before the RD deadline.

OOS Son admitted to FYE. ACT: 32C, 4.05 UW GPA, 4.35 W GPA, top 3% of class ranking. Outstanding LORs (I was humbled!), Great ECs: 4 year high honor Scholar Athlete, Academic All-State Athletic team, Volunteer work, and outstanding essays. Deferred at U of Mich and GA Tech, admitted to U of MN and Madison. I tend to believe that the holistic view does occur at Purdue. Very excited for my son and looking forward to the next steps on this journey.

For those of you having trouble signing up for the Purdue’s for Me Sessions, the trick is to click on the link through the actual letter, not the buttons on the portal. That was the only way we could sign up; attending 2/25.

Best of luck and wishes to all on their journey!