***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

What will the cost of Purdue be if you don’t get merit scholarships?

OOS around $42,000.

@Cincyboilerflyer So are there more department awards possible? Is that what the extra 3 essays were for?

I tried to let my D manage these apps, but I distinctly remember she sent 3 Purdue essays to her reviewer around Thanksgiving-ish.

FYI: I asked an admissions officer, and Stamps/Beering Scholarship invitations to apply were already sent out last week (if anyone was waiting/wondering for those scholarships).

@peachActuary73 The 3 additional essays were extra questions Purdue wanted answered through Common Ap in addition to the basic Common Ap essays. I just went and re-read my son’s and I really think they were able to give admissions a more thorough picture. My son also sent a resume.

those who are being accepted RD do you mind sharing what date or around what date you applied? i applied december 8th which is obviously later than most people but just wondering if they’re going in order or not.

Did RD come out?

This is very troubling… My son has 1580 SAT, 4.0 UW, valedictorian, NMSF, etc., etc… Nothing from Purdue. I talked to Admissions and they said because he’s in CS, which was more difficult to get into than any other program at Purdue. Still disappointing to see those with significantly lower stats receiving scholarships.

Engineering and CS majors rarely see merit from Purdue. My daughter didn’t see any merit money last cycle, nor her friend who was the val.

I get it… Still hard to swallow seeing others post with much, much lower stats. Not our fault that the kids with the best stats are in Engineering and CS. I’ll shut up now…

@toddaroo If you’ve read the Purdue website regarding scholarships, you’d see that they are specific to each college within the school and are a holistic review.

I feel your pain toddaroo. I have a FYE with not as strong of stats as your son, but strong (34 ACT, Commended merit scholar, extracurriculars, sports etc) who received nothing. In this thread, a student stated he/she was denied FYE, given the second choice of Exploratory Studies and earned a $10K per year scholarship. That is bizarre to me. Why even try for FYE?

I’m genuinely happy for those that got $. However, it’s difficult to explain to my son who is in the top 1% that Purdue claims to give merit $ to the top 10-15% and he gets none. I guess you have to put butts in the seats in the other programs somehow.

May I ask all… How are you sure you didn’t receive any scholarships? Have all scholarship notifications been sent out? I thought it was mid Feb. My OOS son is in for FYE.

Sorry, just found earlier post that says merit scholarships are on the student portal. Not sure the last time my son checked it. I’ll have to pounce on him when he gets home.

Email also went out to students on 1/25. These are the university-wide scholarships. College-specific notifications coming by 2/15, but could be earlier. CS says they are shooting for 2/1.

Last year my daughter did not get her college specific scholarship (engineering) until after she accepted. I don’t know if that’s normal for timing, but thought I’d share our experience.

Hey, I know it’s really upsetting to have higher stats and still don’t receive the scholarship. I am there with you in a sense. I was really upset that my high stats didn’t get me in to GT but I ended up getting into Purdue and even got the presidential scholarship of 10k per year. I have lots of extracurricular activities related to CS and Environmental Engineering/ Science. I also applied to FYE with (i think they are good stats) 1500 SAT 800 on Math IIC and Chemistry and 4.2 Weighted. I totally feel the pain and frustration but I want to believe that this whole process is random (what colleges would call “holistic”). Let’s just move on!!!

@toddaroo So there is still an opportunity for scholarships?

May I ask a blunt question… My son was admitted FYE. We are OOS. He was not awarded any merit $. So per the financial aid tab in MyPurdue our expected cost to attend is $45,000 a year. How are y’all going to do this? We’ve been saving since he was 2 and we can swing $30,000 a year. But I’m not sure where the extra $15,000 is going to come from. Do others have that $45,000? or are you expecting to use loans? I understand this is a bit of a personal question, I’m just trying to figure out how we make this work. I’d appreciate anything you are willing to share.