***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

Y’all are going to be sick of me… 1 more. I’m seeing on the PURDUE facebook that folks are registering for STAR once they’ve committed. And that STAR is where our freshmen register for classes. So if we can’t make a decision until we hear from other universities in Feb/March does that mean that only late STAR dates will be left and thus making it hard for my DS to get the classes he needs/wants?

@RoboticsWidow - Purdue STAR dates are when students meet with their advisors and plan their courses. There is no scheduling disadvantage of doing a later STAR date. Students will select their courses, but not the day/time/professor. The scheduling system does the actual class times/days after STAR has closed. Students may also be asked to give their first, second, and third choice of courses as well.

@RoboticsWidow My daughter is a sophomore who is major in computer engineering in Purdue now. The tuition for engineering student is around $30000 a year. It won’t raise in few year. We are OOS without any merit $ just like you. She is planning to graduate in three years. It is hard in Purdue but is one possible choice. She rents a house with a friend outside campus this year and works 10-15 hours in school to cover her meals and some expense. You may be able to consider about co-op too. I am not sure if this is helpful for you or not. But she really loves Purdue and enjoys the time in Purdue.

@2km2km - Yes - college specific.

My dd has friends who made the hard decision to not accept their Purdue acceptances because of financial reasons/larger merit packages elsewhere. Not an easy decision but engineers really can be successful anywhere.

That said, doing a co-op would be a major way to offset some of the costs. There are 3 and 5 semester co-ops and they pay really well. There is a good amount of information on Purdue’s Office of Professional Practice page.

@RoboticsWidow - We’re in state, so that makes a huge difference. IF my son gets into MIT, we’ll face the same decision, although not really fair to compare Purdue and MIT…

@RoboticsWidow I think that being able to afford ~30k per child is an accomplishment. I know many for whom that amount would not be doable. This forum may not be the place that you see an abundance of that, but it is a reality for many. In our case, we identified a school that with D’s stats would be extremely reasonable and would provide a quality education and likelihood of internships. That was UAH. It was important that she understood what was easily affordable. She has also been aggressively seeking local scholarships to increase options. Even non-renewable ones will help year 1. For us thet 40K mark is affordable, but still higher than other options. If she wants to go higher she needs a bigger stake. That means things like max Stafford loan, work study, summer job or jobs. There are a lot of answers we won’t have till late April, so I hope that STAR question isn’t true.

edited to thank @momofsenior1 for the STAR answer

If my fye son chooses Purdue over Ohio state, we expect him to co-op and earn some good money :). He has been working the last two summer as a lifeguard and saved a lot. He will work a lot this summer too. We expect him to pay for his fun expenses… pizza, beverages, concerts, game tickets etc.

He’s a male from Ohio and received no merit aid. He is applying for a small scholarship from my husbands industry… $3k/ year. Figure that will cover his engineering expenses. Otherwise we’ll be frugal. We already saved enough to cover o s u. We only have two children, so that helps! We were already setting aside at least $4k per year for college since birth and will continue that pattern. Assuming Purdue is about $20k more than o s u, that requires us to save about $13k more per year than we used to to cover purdue.

@peachActuary73 Thank you. We worked really hard to stash that $120,000 ( 4 yrs at 30,000) Our research had suggested that OOS might offer funds to off set that IS/OOS difference. This doesn’t seem to hold true for Purdue. Most Univ of CA schools run about $30,000 all in a year (if it’s $32,000 I can find that in the household budget over the year). So that was what we set our savings goal at. He has applied for a lot of private scholarships but like you we won’t have info on those until later. I was very glad to see the STAR registration answer as well! My husband and I were given the wonderful gift of finishing our undergrad debt free due to family support and IS choices. We had really hoped to continue that down the family tree. But maybe there is value in our son having to contribute as well. And maybe the later decisions from IS will have to be weighed.

@kids4three , Thank you for your post.
D OOS and did not receive any merit from Purdue. Still considering Purdue

if you don’t mind, can you either message or post on this thread if u want to.

  1. you said your D worked 10-15 hours to pay for meal plans. Is it weekly or monthly that amount of work hours?
  2. D accepted to computer science (not computer engineering). Do you think even computer science undergraduate degree is doable in 3 years? How many credits did your D take from high school to Purdue? my D has 8 APs and dual enrollment.
  3. Any idea if Purdue’s fee will stay the same next 4 years or even if it increases, what would be the expected increase in cost of attendance?
  4. if planning to graduate in 3 years, will that kind of schedule allow time to participate in orchestra or volunteering.
  5. Did your D have to take graduation requirement classes in the summer as well?
  6. was there enough time for internships or job?

Purdue is definitely not one of those schools that is known for merit money. The university focused on keeping tuition down for all. They are gong on their 8th year of a tuition freeze. They are also one of the lesser expensive options in the big 10 (unless of course you are instate for another school).

@Cincyboilerflyer your situation sounds exactly like us. My son is FYE and he has been working lots of hours over summers and less during school. And it’s that $14,000 a year that’s gonna be interesting. We have two as well. Our daughter is graduating this year with a BS in microbio from a UC debt free. Both kids know that most likely they are on their own from graduate studies, but we really hope to cover undergrad.

@learning19 - My daughter is technically classified as a junior because she came in with so many credits. Because of necessary graduation requirements for her major (not CS), the most time she could save is 1 semester. I’m not sure I would recommended planning on graduating early as part of the fiscal plan. That seems risky to me.

Purdue is going on their 8th year of tuition freeze. Mitch Daniels seems focused on keeping down costs but who knows what the next few years will bring. We are budgeting for an increase just in case. The public school average is 3% increase so that’s what we plan for.

@learning19 - My daughter was a sophomore standing when she got into Purdue. 33 credits from high school and dual enrollment got transferred. Normally she takes 16 credits each semester. She has been working for 10-15 hours each week in campus. She joined three clubs at her first year. But now she does not join clubs very actively because she would like to spend time with friend and love to travel. She did not take any summer class. She was an intern as software engineer for 10 weeks last summer. She is going back to the same company again this summer.

I also agree with concerns from @momofsenior1. As I know, course loading in Purdue is hard.

Thank you @momofsenior1 and @kids4three.

I understand that I cannot assume undergrad can be completed in 3 years.

Has all of the merit aid been given out already?

@TXAg92 Hi, I saw your post about your daughter being accepted to Purdue - congrats! I’m curious: is she applying to UT &/or A&M? Based on your screen name, are you an Aggie? What led her to Purdue? I’m an A&M grad ('97), living in Michigan. My son applied OOS to Purdue (accepted!), UT (denied), & A&M (TBD). Seems the TX schools are nearly impossible for OOS. Would be curious to hear your perspective. Good luck to your daughter!

Son accepted to College of Business (Accounting)
OOS - Michigan
1360 SAT
3.6 GPA

Can anyone suggest a street or an area of town to visit to best see off campus when we visit in Feb? Any recommendations for lunch or dinner? We want to get a feel for the school but also the whole environment. Thx!

I was accepted to Purdue in the early action pool. I’m eagerly waiting for the Honors college decision now. Does anyone know when they’ll be out?
Thanks in advance!

@cmr1997 - I sent you a PM about recommendations.