***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

Decisions come out tomorrow at 5 PM EST :slight_smile:

I read in some social media post that last year, they announced results at 3PM EST. Im also eagerly waiting for results. I tweeted and emailed Purdue admissions and will update this portal if I hear any response. Thanks all.

It’s 5 pm Eastern time tomorrow according to their Twitter feed…

YES, that’s what their Twitter feed says. But when i called their admissions at 765-494-1776 and they said it can come anytime during their day. May be that’s a script it has been given to them. 5 PM EST, 4 PM it is for me in Dallas and just 3 PM for our friends in CA. For once, i want to live in West Coast.

If I recall, last year it was earlier than 5 pm.

Yes, fingers crossed on what time they actually announce it. This is what their email i just received says. Best wishes to all for whom Purdue is the #1 choice.


Decisions will be released January 15th at 5:00 p.m. EST


My son didn’t get that email…is that a bad sign?

@BoystoCollege2 No, not at all. I wrote a email to admissions 1:1 and they sent me this note. This is nothing reflecting on your son’s admission prospects. Best wishes to him.

Sorry if it’s already been addressed (I looked but couldn’t find anything), but does anyone know when merit-based scholarship decisions will be released?

@AeroSpace Enthusiast . thank you so much. i feel better. best wishes!

@enc1183 on the Purdue website page for merit scholarships, it says mid February for notifications.

Good luck everyone! We are excited for tomorrow!

Good luck when checking your applications tomorrow, everybody!

I saw the posts above about merit scholarship notification, but do you guys know when we’ll know if we’ve advanced in the Stamps scholarship selection process? (I’m OOS)


Good luck everyone. Best wishes.

Hey guys, I just wanted to wish everyone good luck before decisions release. I know that the wait is going to be agonizing but don’t worry I am sure that happiness and joy will come to you. Unfortunately, I know that this won’t be the case for some of us. So for those that don’t get the news that you hoped for, always keep your head up, don’t feel down as you will eventually find your happiness. :slight_smile:

Hi, is anyone saying a new tab called CAMPUS VISIT on the portal? It says now that you have been admitted… Just wanted to make sure if others are seeing this tab as well. Nothing else has changed, but, for the inclusion of new tab few mins ago. Is this any indicator?

Ok, it showed up for a few minutes and has now disappeared. May be Purdue IT/Tech team is doing something…

Yup I saw the page too, fingers crossed that’s true…

On my portal it says view decision but when I click that link it says no update? But there is another link that says “next steps” and when I click that it redirects me to the admitted students page…

I see those tabs too! Hoping it’s a good sign of things to come!

If I remember correctly from last year the portal was updated before the emails came out.