Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

My son did get something from Krannert though last week, so I do think it will be soon.

Yeah I haven’t figured that one out. Like what’s so complicated about sending an acceptance letter? Are they waiting to see how many they don’t have to send every time someone declines their admission? I laugh every time someone asks that question. Surprised that admin doesn’t just pin a post to the top of the group about it!

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They are still completing the admissions process, with results being sent out through the 30th.

I suspect that getting decisions out to those who have applied is taking precedence over mailing materials to students who already have decisions and have until May 1 to make a choice.

Rightly so, IMHO.

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I guess except kids were accepted in January so it’s been 2 months and if every other school has figured it out, including bigger ones, you’d think they could as well.


My son will go to UIUC (CompEng). Good luck to everybody!

Are there any female, conservative, pre-vet track, honors students attending Purdue next fall!?!

What about female, pre-vet track, equestrian, honors students attending Purdue next fall?

Girls who want to ride IHSA?

Daughter seeking like-minded peers before deciding on a school.