Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

For those who got into Honors College, there’s a thread where you can share stats: Purdue Honors Discussion 2025

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For clarification, if I see this on the myPurdue portal, I’m accepted to honors?
" Honors College Admission

To accept your admission to the Honors College, please click the Honors College Admission link above. This must be done by May 1, 2021. Students who do not accept their admission by May 1, 2021 are not guaranteed enrollment in the Honors College. To learn more about the Honors College please visit honors.purdue.edu. If you accept the “Honors College Admission” and you choose to live in University Residences, you are required to live in an Honors Residential Community during your first year at Purdue. In addition, I agree to take the courses, HONR 19901 and HONR 19902 as the terms of enrollment in the Honors College as a first-year student and eligibility for housing assignment in an Honors Residential Community (if electing to live in University Residences)."

Yes that’s the one my S21 has too on his checklist.

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Awesome! Sounds like I got in to honors too

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Definitely got in!! They sent emails out just a few moments ago!!

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Yes, same here. Congratulations!!!

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OOS CA Student here. I haven’t gotten an email or portal update yet. Would this mean I’m denied, or are they releasing in waves?

Has anyone received the financial aid packet?

Ours was sent to my D’s e-mail. There was nothing in reg. mail for us.

Did everyone receive their mail letter acceptance? I haven’t yet :frowning:

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Don’t worry! They are typically slow in the roll out of the mailed acceptance letter because they personalize some things.

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There was a post yesterday from a representative of the Purdue Parent and Family Connections office in the Class of 2025 admitted parents Facebook group indicating that the hard-copy acceptance mailings have not gone out yet. (As an aside, I will note that the Facebook group is a valuable source of information for admitted students and parents.)


Another plug for joining the admitted parents and student FB groups. They are a wealth of information.

The group will transition to students attending and then at the end of the summer, they will switch the moderators to parent volunteers. My D’s class of '22 group is still going strong. People post everything from housing to jobs to sports.

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@RichardMZhlubb @momofboiler1 You have me wondering if I joined the wrong FB group? I don’t see that post regarding letters being sent. I joined the “Purdue University Class of 2025-Parents” with 366 members. There doesn’t seem to be much action on this group.

Is there another one?

It’s called “ 2021 Admitted Purdue Families - Official” and had 3,600 members. The link to join was in the initial email from Purdue to parents of accepted students.

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Found it. Thank you.

THere’s one called “Admitted Purdue Families-Official” They sent an email about it with the password you need to join when you answer the questions. THat’s pretty active and it’s official unlike that other one. 3600 members

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hey i accidentally deleted my email with the code, does anybody have it

When will we get acceptance packages? It’s been how long and I only live an hour away.

They said on FB they’d be “coming soon” lol. I wish I could do a gif here because it would be me sitting at a desk as a skeleton waiting.

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