Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Yes, I just saw that too! Hopefully good news today!!

Please do not worry! I was reading last yearā€™s thread and it looks like people were accepted with both the ā€œ2 tabsā€ and ā€œ4 tabsā€ - I really am not sure it means anything at this point. And remember that even if you donā€™t get in to Purdue, you will end up where you belong. My D was deferred at Case and it stung - but she has already moved on and you will too if it comes down to that. Chin up!

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My son has the same 4 tabs.

My son doesnā€™t have any extra tabs, but he is applying to Krannert with a 34 ACT and 4.5 GPA, so I think heā€™s a pretty strong candidate, and maybe it doesnā€™t mean anything, so people shouldnā€™t panic. Best of luck to everyone today!!!

My son has 4 tabs too.

@RachelAC When looking at that old thread from last year, did you find anyone that had 4 tabs that was also rejected, or only some with 2 that also were accepted. My son will be the one to check his decision later at 4 our time, but hoping this is good news for him, especially because he applied to a competitive program.

same here

I see the 4 tabs , when you click on next steps I see accept offer buttons etc
Fingers crossed !

I did not notice anyone with 4 tabs that ended up rejected. I am trying not to read into it too much, but it is difficult to not try and find ā€œsignsā€ :slight_smile: Purdue is my Dā€™s top choice and sheā€™s been so anxious. She will notice the changes in her portal this morning when she wakes up Iā€™m sure, but Iā€™m keeping my mouth shut about our speculation here because I truly donā€™t know if it means anything at all. Iā€™d feel awful to give her false hope. Hurry up 5pm!

You have a status update already? Congrats!

Mine didnā€™t updateā€¦ strange, maybe theyā€™re rolling out the decisions slowly

Congratulations!! My kid isnā€™t up yet!! Fridays he starts late - figures.

Did you have 4 tabs ? Congrats !!!

Hmmā€¦ Next Steps points to a static page. Did you actually saw a decision letter

My son has 4 tabs

Congrats !!

Yeah, I think he/she saw the same thing the rest of us saw. Perhaps false alarm.

Another observation. There is a change major link, then I click it, it goes to a form. It clearly says that this can be used to change major regardless one is admitted or not.

BUTā€¦ in our case, the ā€œFromā€ is greyed out to my Dā€™s second choice major. If I speculate, can I assume that she is admitted and with her second choice ? That would make sense to me, because if she was not yet admitted, it should show both first and second option on the from drop down, right ?

I think your observation is correct based on what Iā€™ve been reading in other threads here.

My sonā€™s from is greyed out and you canā€™t drop it down at all. But it was his first choice major.

My son said he has no drop down but the change major form says Computer Science but itā€™s in greyish color, not sure if thatā€™s what you all mean by greyed out. Iā€™m not sure what that means. He did not apply for a second major.