Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Goodluck to everyone, and c u all at 5pm (EST)!

Not sure if it’s just me, but my 4 tabs have disappeared. Anyone else?

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Me too



anyone else have an “accept your offer” tab pop up at the top?


Does that mean anything?

No idea! It’s maddening, lol. I should have taken a screen shot to check for differences. Accept your offer is a static page though so it may have always been there.

When I click on it it takes me to the admitted students page

Its been there for a long time and the information it takes you to is not-student specific. That doesnt mean anything.

Yes. But I logged out so my S could check on his own.

anyone else have an “accept your offer” tab pop up at the top?

Sorry but I don’t think that means anything - I see that even before I login!

It has a my PUID and everything
 it is personalized.

Go to the portal at 5pm and get your admission decision.

Counting tabs, interpreting buttons, “what someone on Reddit said”, or using a magic 8 ball to guess at a decision in advance are of no value, IMHO.


Can Purdue compete with Berkeley and other top computer science schools?

How good is a Purdue computer engineering major?

Very good.

can it compete with Berkeley and other top computer engineering schools?

No. Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech, MIT, CMU are in the top tier. Next is UIUC, Rice, UT Austin etc. Purdue is the next level below that.

A CS degree from Purdue is good enough to get top jobs.

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How would you compare Perdue with UW-Madison and UMD-Collegepark for CS?

Very early this morning I had all four tabs, but they disappeared a few hours ago and haven’t reappeared since. Is this a problem?