Purdue vs NC State

NC State would be in state for me, but I’m not a big fan of the culture or the campus in general and would largely prefer Purdue. I’ve gotten accepted into both, and plan to go to med school. Thoughts?

If you fave financial limit, this wouldnt be a hard choice, cuz since NCSU is In state it would def be better.
otherwise, I think Purdue is better. Since it attracts a relatively large amount of applications for med school. There must be a reason why so many are choosing Purdue. If you want a bigger exposure, Purdue would be the place.
But in the end college selection depends on ur personal circumstances and preferences.

What are your stats btw?

I was also accepted to NC State and Purdue, but I am from Florida. Just wondering what you did not like about
NC State @PFV65V ? Stressed about the choices ahead

I was also accepted to both ncsu and Purdue. I basically live in NCSU already and it’s not my favorite. There really is not much to do here. It has a great engineering and veterinary program but that’s about all I have to say about it. Not a huge fan of being here with all the traffic. Most people attending ncsu are in state so I also believe it’s quite monocultured as well. I do have bias living here all my life though. I’d look at the program you’re interested in and what you are really are seeking from a college experience. Purdue itself is huge but nearly everything around it is farms. 2 hours from Indianapolis and 4 hours from Chicago. NCSU is in the heart of Raleigh and it’s sort of integrated into the city. Raleigh however is extremely boring. RTP is close by though, lots of opportunities there.

@PFV65V: Save your money, and stay in-state at NCSU. If you get into medical school, no one will care where you got your undergraduate degree; and, quite frankly, once you get your M.D., no one will really care where you went to medical school, either.

Unless, of course, you are independently wealthy, or you are comfortable with massive amounts of post-graduate debt that will follow you around for decades; then by all means go out of state for your undergraduate degree.

NCSU should be large enough that you will find a “tribe” you are comfortable with; which will help ameliorate those things about NCSU that annoy you.

Purdue is 2 hours from Chicago and 1.5 hours from Indianapolis. That said, West Lafayette is a small town. Love Purdue but with an in state option like NC State, I recommend you save your money and avoid paying oos tuition. You have a great university right at your doorstep! Congratulations and best of luck!

It comes down to cost. Out of state is 2-3 times more expensive and offers no additional benefit. You’re much better off staying in-state. What is really going to matter are your grades and your MCAT scores.