Q's --Football Game on Family Weekend

<p>Hi there,
I have a few a questions about the Football Game on Family Weekend that I’m hoping you can help with. </p>

<p>1) Where is the best place to park? (Our hotel is about 3-4 miles away so we’ll be taking our car).
2) How long before the game starts would you recommend we get there to be sure we get a parking space?
3) Regarding tailgating on the quad: what’s that like, what do people bring and is alcohol allowed? We’re used to tailgating locally with our car right beside us so not sure what is typical on the UA campus. </p>

<p>Thanks so much, greatly appreciate your help. Here’s to an incredible season!! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Hi, Shrewsbury! I don’t know the answers to your questions, but as an ex-Wilmingtonian (the Wilmington that’s near Burlington, Tewksbury, Reading, Billerica, etc.), I just wanted to say “Yo!”</p>

<p>And, of course, ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>1) Park in the university’s lots ($20) that are designated for game day parking. These lots are out by the soccer fields and there will be signs to guide you.</p>

<p>2) Plan to stay all day. If you get tired, go back to your child’s dorm room and relax for awhile.</p>

<p>3)Tailgating in the quad is amazing, especially for big games like LSU. Alcohol is definitely allowed, though the people/organizations hosting specific tailgates might prohibit it in their area. It would be bad form to being alcohol to the Honors College or Parent’s Association (Family Weekend) tailgate, though nobody’s going to bother you for walking around with a beer or flask on the quad when not at such tailgates.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how early the University lots open in the morning of gameday?</p>

<p>The spaces on the quad r reserved. So if you plan on tging on quad with setup then you need 2 reserve a space. </p>

<p>If you plan on just walking around visiting honors or parents tent then you’re fine. Come very early. Trams will take u from parking 2 quad.</p>

<p>I was going to ask similiar questions next week about the game. The game doesn’t start until the evening and we want to be on campus all day with our son. We will be driving from Birmingham (that is where the hotel is). I was thinking if we get there in the morning we should have no trouble parking of those lots as the game will be so much later. Am I being naive?</p>

<p>As it gets closer, any other hints for that weekend will be appreciated. We are thinking of doing the Friday night swim thing all the way through the Sunday morning brunch. Lots of driving back and forth but that’s okay. I’m worried about climbing up in the stands to my seat.</p>

<p>Now if only I can get a look at the halftime show this week to see my boy marching proud in the MDB that would be great. No leads yet.</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Are there any shuttles from the Tuscaloosa hotels? We are at the Wingate and would like to leave the car there. We could spend the day on campus and are signed up for all the events. </p>

<p>Also where does the Boat Tour of the Black Warrior River leave from? Will there be parking there?</p>

<p>Thanks much!</p>

<p>Call wingate to find out what they offer. Id rather take my car for flexibility.</p>

<p>1) Park downtown for free. It’s much easier to get to campus from the west side than it is the east. Take 359 into Laurleen Wallace. Take that to Univ and make a right. Look for parking down side streets close to Queen City blvd. It’s actually a closer walk from there to the stadium than it is from the soccer lot. It’s also 100x easier to get out after the game.</p>

<p>2) I’d get there at least 3 hours before kickoff. It will take a bit to get parked and walk to campus. Once there you’ll want to tailgate and check out the entire scene. Be sure to head to the stadium at least 45 minutes before kickoff to see the videos. Those will give you a glimpse of the history behind the Tide.</p>

<p>3) The Quad is open at 5pm on Friday night for tent setup. Only a part of the quad is reserved. The rest is open to anyone on a first come first serve basis. Many come and partially setup their tents on Friday and just leave them there over night. </p>

<p>Alcohol is allowed on the Quad and pretty much everywhere else on campus during game days. There will be food vendors lined up along the east side as well as a few on Univ blvd near the Houndstooth.</p>

<p>Most people are very friendly and many will invite you to their tent for a drink or to catch the score of a game on tv.</p>

<p>All the bars and restaurants on the strip will be open. Phil’s and the Houndstooth are the two most popular, but all will be crowded. </p>

<p>Have fun and enjoy the experience. It’s something you’ll never forget.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>