Qualifications for Different Scholarships

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I just visited Miami and loved it but I will not be able to attend without a very significant scholarship. That being said - can anyone take any guesses about which scholarships I may qualify for?</p>

<p>About Me (Junior):</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.93
W GPA: 4.64</p>

<p>SAT: 740 M, 650 CR, 620 W</p>

<p>APs: NSL (4), BC Calc, Physics, World History, Language and Composition, Psychology (next year), Environmental Science (next year)</p>


<p>4 years varsity tennis (2 year captain)
300 Community Service Hours
Math Honor Society
Science Honor Society
School Newspaper (2 years, one year leadership position)
Held Job For two years (15 hr/week during year, 40 hrs a week during summer)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>My daughter has statistics close to, but less than, yours. She was recently accepted Early Action and received a $20,000 per year scholarship from UM.</p>

<p>I have relatively the same stats as you.</p>

<p>Slightly lower GPA (4.5 W)
Higher SAT (2230)
About the same APs and ECs, albeit different ones.</p>

<p>I was accepted EA with a 24k scholarship.</p>

<p>I have the same SATs as you, a little lower GPA, little easier classes and probably a little better extracurriculars, and got 20,000 applying EA</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses guys. Glad to hear that I’m at least in the running for a significant scholarship.</p>

<p>You are better than me in every area, and I got 20k. So there is hope! :)</p>

<p>you seem to be on track</p>

<p>two weeks ago i received the dickinson scholarship (20g) with a 3.6/3.8 (UW/W) gpa, tons of ECs, great letters of rec, ok essay, and 1980 SAT (600 CR 710 M 670 WR). Its my understanding though that UM doesnt look at the writing section.</p>

<p>I just received the Dickinson Scholarship applying Regular Decision with a 3.6, 1290 SAT, 4 years of track/cross country, and an ok essay. I’d say I’m shocked I got this</p>

<p>You won’t find this anywhere on the website, but I believe your chances of both being accepted and getting a larger scholarship are improved by applying Early Action vs. Regular Decision. Take the SATs again, take the ACT, take some SAT II’s for the subjects in which you are strong - they say they don’t look at them, but if they’re on your application, they’ll be noticed.

<p>to the op: I believe that you will be considered for scholarship next year as long as the applicant pool does not significantly improve. I agree with ZincWhiskers that applying EA seems to help with scholarship chances just from reading CC posts.</p>

<p>to realdeal123 & nourmom: Congratulations! If you don’t mind me asking, what state do you live in and are you URM? I have twin sons both accepted EA. While one was offered the University scholarship (SAT-1390, top 5%) his brother was not offered any scholarship (SAT-1280, top 11%) Both took same course load (all APs, honors, etc.)
We were told that no one with less than a 1350 SAT would be considered for scholarship which is why I am a bit surprised, but happy for you, that you both received scholarships. Also told that they try to diversify with scholarships (location, ethnicity) just wondering if that had something to do with it.</p>

<p>just to add to this thread, I was also awarded the Dickinson Scholarship about a week or so ago (I was shocked but very very happy!!). I was a competitive candidate except for my ACT score was a 30 and the “cutoff” was 31. So even though I was a little bit below, I was (eventually) awarded the Dickinson scholarship (even though I emailed about it earlier and was told all scholarships for Early Action applicants had been awarded-obviously this wasn’t true). I am a white male from North Carolina.</p>

<p>What is the Dickinson Scholarship? Did you apply separately for that?</p>

<p>no, that is the name of the $20,000 a year scholarship.</p>

I checked myum the other day and was excited to see that I was accepted :slight_smile:
Today I received the letter in the mail but it doesn’t mention anything about a scholarship…so does that mean I didn’t get any merit based aid? My friend says they mail about the scholarships later, is this true? I’m not eligible for FAFSA since I’m considered an international student, but I am eligible for 100% Bright Futures (although I’ve been told it doesn’t cover a lot of the tuition since it’s a private university)
UM is my first choice and if I don’t receive any aid I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend :(</p>

<p>Here are some of my basic stats
Hispanic Female
UW GPA: 3.6 (maybe a bit low?)
W GPA: 4.3
ACT: 30</p>

Not sure if it is universally true, but all of the EA folks that I spoke with and who posted on here said that they received a letter in the paper snail-mail acceptance packet that clearly stated what scholarship you were receiving - that’s how my daughter found out about hers. To be completely sure you could call the admissions office or email Cristina Busto.
Best to you.

<p>Sarah2984…I’m confused. How are you considered an international student but eligible for bright futures? I thought that was only for Florida residents?</p>

<p>Scholarships are included in the admissions packet. Class rank (at least top 10%, preferably top 5%) is usually a big factor.</p>

<p>tav252, I’ve been living in Florida for 3 years so I qualify for Bright Futures because I am a resident (I know this because my brother is attending a state university right now and has 100% Bright Futures) I’m considered an international in college admissions because I’m on a visa, and I’m not getting my green card until the summer.</p>

<p>Also, the admissions packet says the Financial Aid Award information still has to come, so I was a bit hopeful…
But if you say scholarships should be included, I guess I didn’t qualify for any… :(</p>

<p>Yeah, the “financial aid information” they refer to is the need based stuff that is driven by your FAFSA form - Pell grants, student loans, work study, etc…</p>