Qualifying for additional scholarships

<p>My daughter just received notice that she made a 29 on the ACT which qualifies her for half tuition. While we are so thrilled and grateful, there is still so much more to pay. Our family won’t qualify for financial aid and she has a small amount in a college savings plan we started years ago. We were so hoping for the “magic 30” on ACT since this is her final time to take it. She is a very driven student and holds several leadership positions at her high school while maintaining a 4.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale. What other scholarship/grants are out there for someone like her?</p>

<p>where are you from?</p>

<p>And, what is her major/interests/heritage? Use ■■■■■■■■■■ to find scholarships. Try to find ones that are very specific to her, and that are less reliant on ACT scores but on other things such as her ECs.</p>

<p>We live in Alabama.</p>

<p>Check the scholarship websites and quick…many have deadlines coming up. My son got one for our bank, one from the 4H, one from his grandfathers Navy reunion group, and one from the CMP. There a LOTS and LOTS out there. Check everything you are associated with (church, bank, employers, local vic groups, VA groups (even from grandparents), etc…</p>

<p>Check with your school’s GC’s webpage. GCs often know about the local scholarships.</p>

<p>If can be harder for a family that doesn’t qualify for aid since some of these extra awards have a “need” component.</p>

<p>Just curious…did your D take the SAT?</p>

<p>Yes our school has a monthly scholarship newsletter. So far, they are either need based and/or have less than a 26 on ACT or specific to major. Right now, she is looking into Chemical Engineering (pre med track). I think the main reason she is interested is for the stackable scholarship. I am concerned about the math. Math is what killed her ACT score.</p>

<p>She didn’t take the SAT but probably should have.</p>

<p>Right now, she is looking into Chemical Engineering (pre med track). I think the main reason she is interested is for the stackable scholarship. I am concerned about the math. Math is what killed her ACT score.</p>

<p>Your D needs to understand that not only do med schools look at GPA (and expect very high GPAs), they look at the BCMP GPA (bio, chem, math, physics), so if she’s not strong in math, she could end up screwing up her med school chances by taking on a major that is heavy math if she’s not strong in that. Not only is a lot of math req’d, but the Physics needed is Physics with Calc I and II. </p>

<p>Engineering as a premed student should only be attempted by students who are very strong in math.</p>

<p>I hate to steal this thread, but does anyone know when the cutoff date for departmental scholarships is? I recently changed my major on mybama, and I’m worried I barred myself from all of these scholarships.</p>

<p>Should I just make another thread with this question?</p>

<p>Ed, I believe that most departmental scholarships are given to those who didn’t qualify for the bigger ones. If you have the Presidential, there may be no more for you unless you are in engineering.</p>