<p>Do you think that it's more important to have more internships to pad your resume? Is it ok if you only have one or two meaningful internships while in school?</p>
<p>I think it's more important to have a few meaningful internships, especially if you can sell it right in an interview or in your resume.</p>
<p>Quality, definitely. Since from the company's point of view an internship is really your job try out, multiple internships tend to look as if you don't fit in well or are too picky.</p>
<p>If you have a choice, try for internships at places you think you'd like to work and do the best work you can while you're there. That has the added advantage of giving you a leg up on getting hired there, or at the worst, an early offer ot compare others to.</p>
<p>That later is really a lessor thing, btw. Nothing feels quite so good as having one in the bag when everyone else you know is still on going through the insecurity of waiting for their first offer.</p>
<p>Quality. Employers will want you to be able to talk at great length about your experiences. If you have one or two quality jobs that show your ability to apply skills in a real world setting, you're golden.</p>