<p>ok... so i applied ed to arts and sciences. i thought schools only look at your semester grades, and so i basically slacked off and got a C on my quarter grade.... apparently, a cornell admissions officer called my counselor for my quarter grades.. it seems obvious that i was on the brink of getting accepted or rejected and i think i ruined my chances.... what you guys think.. i got 3 As 2 Bs and 1 C... it seems oK but not to IVY LEAGUE standards...</p>
<p>I would love your input.. though it wont change anything</p>
<p>dunno I think it would hurt a bit.
if you got accepted ED and got a C then it wouldn't be a big problem
but if you got it during the admission process..</p>
<p>it really depends, if that's an upper trend since junior year, that it's okay
if not, that could hurt.</p>
<p>ayyy.. yeah i have had A's and B's throughout highschool. this is my very first C... but Its a quarter grade!!! haha. i only thought semester grades were official... but oh well..</p>
<p>well people on another forum about 1st quarter grades,
adcom might ask for 1st quarter grades if an applicant is on a brink of being accepted or rejected... sure hope it's only a theory or a guess (since i wasn't asked to but sent it in anyway)....</p>
<p>ooo... if it's your frist C it might hurt you even if it's only a quarter grade for adcom understand that seniortis hits everyone 1st quarter of senior year... and might think that you slacked off or w/e...</p>
<p>I have to say I agree with you...that can't be a good thing. Just hope for a deferral and work like crazy for better semester grades. Good Luck!</p>
<p>yeah.. im hoping the admissions office wont put it against me.. its an AP class ... but then again.. a C is a C... thinking more about it... i see my chances getting slimmer and slimmer.. anyone else agree?... or Hopefully dont agree, though it wouldnt change much</p>