Question about CC courses in the summer.

<p>I'm planning to take HUM at my local community college to finish the requirement. I'm also pre-med and hoping to go to medical school. Will this part be looked down upon, if I try to finish the HUM sequence at a CC? by the medical schools? Also, is it even worse to take a Chem class? (Chem 6c)</p>

<p>Thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>its worse to take the chem, but i dont think taking hum there is a big deal at all</p>

<p>and fun fact, incoming fa 09 revelle students are required to take 1 and 2 at ucsd, along with one of 3, 4, or 5
i actually think thats a good thing, call me crazy lol</p>

<p>I’m calling you crazy, BlueSkyPinkCloud.</p>

<p>hahaha yep ;P</p>

<p>i was just about to ask the exact same question lol. If i were to take hum 1 &2 online, which online cc’s would be good? has anyone ever heard of grossmont?</p>