Question About Difficulty of Admissions

<p>What kind of weight does UW Madison put on stats when deciding who to admit? Like if you are a 3.92 UW GPA, 2200 SAT (760M 740CR 700W), class rank 18/424, 9 APs (APUSH, Calc AB/BC, Lang, Bio, Euro, Chem, Physics, US Gov) with 4 5's and 1 4 on my ap tests (so far), many honors courses, first generation college student, positive grade trend, and go to a fairly competitive public high school, does the mediocrity of my ECs matter? Not that I have absolutely none, but assume the worst. Is there any way I could get rejected from UW Madison? Be as honest as you can please. Thanks!</p>

<p>For the record, I also want to major in ChemE, and I am out of state. Sorry for not including that.</p>

<p>3.86 UW GPA, I miscalculated, sorry (All A’s A+'s after freshman year).</p>

<p>Stats are fine. Be sure to express yourself well in the essays. Be specific in the ‘Why UW-Madison’ essay, so that it doesn’t appear as though your application is an afterthought to a safety school.</p>

<p>Ok cool. What kinds of things should I focus on in this essay? I talked about my experience there during a visit and the impression it left on me, research opportunities I would take advantage of, and certain clubs I am interested in. Is there something else I should try to include?</p>

<p>Only you can choose your topic. Trying to follow someone else’s lead will yield something less genuine. Be yourself, you seem to have good ideas that reflect you, not some stock answers. Remember- you are writing an essay, not the definitive book about why Wisconsin. Review your essay for grammar, clarity and the usual your language arts teacher would grade on. Submit it and be done. Get on with enjoying your final year as a HS student.</p>

<p>Great! - it sounds like you have the ‘Wisconsin Idea’ of learning both inside and outside the classroom covered in that essay.</p>


<p>I don’t believe getting admitted will be an issue for you. It will be sticking with ChemE that will be tough. Competitive program to get into. Super rigorous. You’ll have no outside life for 4 years. Good luck.</p>