Question about freshmen engineering class

<p>My son went to orientation & signed up for his classes however has 5 "classes" on Wednesdays (Enge 1024 8-8:50a; Math 1205 11:15a-12:05p; Chem 1035 1:25p-2:15p; English 1105 4-5:15p & Reg 9984 "free time" 7-9:50p). The other days are a lot more balanced.
2 questions:
1. What is Reg 9984 "free time"?
2. Is having these classes on Wednesday doable or should he try to rearrange something? Thanks in advance for your help.</p>

<p>The free time block is meant for engineering exams. So your soon really only has four classes. Four is doable; I also have four classes on monday, though Tuesday is virtually free for me.</p>

<p>Sent from my ADR6350 using CC App</p>

<li>Free time is used occasionally for exams and speakers. There’s nothing you can do about it so don’t worry about it.</li>
<li>Although it’s perfectly ‘doable’ it’s kind of a crappy schedule. I’d definitely try to move EngE 1024 to a different time. Ideally I’d move chemistry between the Math and English class or move the English class right after chemistry. I try to avoid breaks that are between 30-90 minutes–once you factor in time spent going to and from class you don’t really have enough time to kick back and relax or take a nap. Usually I don’t like classes that start after 4:00PM either (labs are different), since the day just draaagggs on.</li>

<p>It’s doable but I agree with ymon, when I do my schedules I try to make my classes as back to back as possible or far apart otherwise mostly because I live off campus. It’s nice to just go to all the classes (say 3) back to back and get them out of the way. Otherwise I have an hour or more of limbo time. After 4 years of going here though, I haven’t had that situation happen too many times, usually it’s easy to re-arrange your schedule. </p>

<p>So I would try to make them either all together or at least allow a 2 hour break for lunch or dinner ect. It’s really all preference though, ask him what he would prefer. </p>

<p>What’s more important to me though is getting a good professor/instructor. Believe it or not there are more bad/boring/unintelligible professors than good ones in engineering. Granted they are all experts at what they do, very few actually teach very well. It’s like that at most large research/engineering schools though. Anyway, so If a good professor for a tough course only has a particular section at a particular time, I will get there any way possible. </p>

<p>So yea a lot of thought goes into a schedule each semester. At least for me.</p>

<p>Ultimately, it depends on how well your son can manage his time. For me, whenever I have “limbo time” I plan to use that to get a headstart on homework, though I guess it would depend on whether I need a textbook or not. If your son can use whatever free time effectively, then the four-class schedule might pay off, but if not, moving the classes is a good idea.</p>

<p>How many credits is he taking? What do his other days look like?</p>