Need help deciding schedule!

<p>I can ether pick:</p>

<p>Monday: 4 classes
Tuesday: 0 classes
Wednesday 4 classes
Thursday: 0 to 2 classes
Friday: 2 classes
16 Credits</p>

<p>or </p>

<p>Monday: 3 classes
Tuesday: 1 class
Wednesday 3 classes
Thursday 1 to 2 classes
Friday 2 classes
16 credits.</p>

<p>Sorry to lazy to list times of each class or what they are. But any advice and help would be useful. I am a Freshman in the College of Engineering, Comp Sci major</p>

<p>Go with the second option. I, personally, would die having four college classes in a single day.</p>

<p>I had Option A for my second semester and I felt that that day off really came in handy for me.</p>

<p>75 minute classes, especially math, are impossible to stay focused for. Classes per day doesnt bug me-i would take whatever option gives you more 50 minute classes.</p>

<p>I agree with hokagesama. I frequently zoned out in the last 20 minutes of class when I took Calc II for 75 minutes, twice a week. It seems like the courses drag on forever. I prefer the 50 minute versions of the courses. They are much easier to pay attention in. If you can get your courses set up so that you have 50 minute courses on one day and maybe ONE 75 minute course for Tuesday, Thursday… you should prob go with that one. If you pack all of your courses on Monday, you will only be doing homework all day on your day off to be prepared for your next class meeting on Wednesday.</p>

<p>That’s strange, because I’m used to 90 minute classes back in high school (I had block scheduling). Whether or not I zoned out depended on my general interest in the subject; for example I found my calculus class to be quite engaging (if difficult) but I couldn’t have cared less about my geosystems class. So far, it doesn’t seem like 75 minute classes are that big a deal to me. Did you all have different schedules during high school, or is the college life averse to 60+ minute classes in general?</p>

<p>75 minute classes in college are much different from 90 minute classes in high school. College classes are extremely fast paced compared to high school and are designed to not waste any time and pack as much information into a short amount of time as possible. Be prepared for constant note-taking in college whether your in class for 50 minutes or 75 minutes. That being said, I have 3 back-to-back 75 minute classes on Thursdays this semester. However, I find that with enough sleep, a good cup of coffee, and a class that can hold my interest, I can handle it.</p>

<p>My high school had a block system with 90 minute courses. It is much different at the above poster noted. You take notes constantly for the entire lecture period and you start to lose interest no matter what the subject is because you zone out from the amount of information. In my Calc I class at VT, we covered about 4 sections per day; that was in 50 minutes. When I took Calc II/Integral Calculus, it was 75 minutes of straight note taking. It was pretty rough to be honest. I don’t like the 75 minute courses. When I was in high school, 90 minutes was nothing: 15 minutes was gone waiting for the teacher to prepare. On rare occasions the teacher might have gotten 45 minutes of instruction in total. The rest was left to work on in-class work or do homework. It isn’t like that in lecture periods at VT. You will find which class type you like better once you experience them first-hand.</p>