Question about HSF..

<p>I'm a rising senior this fall and I'm going to be applying to colleges and scholarships etc etc etc. I recently came across the HSF and was looking through some of the scholarships listed there.</p>

<li><p>When do scholarships get put up for the next academic year so that I can apply?</p></li>
<li><p>It says I need to file FAFSA - I was under the impression that FAFSA doesn't go up until January 1st, 2010 for the next academic year. Will the scholarship deadlines be after that so that I have time to file FAFSA, send it to the 14 schools I'm applying to, and then also send it to the scholarship place?</p></li>

<p>Another question as well,</p>

<li>I’m trying to fill out my academic profile, but it won’t let me finish it until I write down what college I’m attending, which I clearly don’t know. How am I supposed to apply for scholarships if they won’t let me go without this part?</li>

<p>I second h00dr1chh’s third question! Should I just put my top choice? It says you can’t change the application once it’s submitted, so… I’m puzzled. Any help would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<h2>Update: Found this on the site’s FAQ:</h2>

<p>“I am applying to multiple universities. What university should I put on my application?”</p>

<h2>If you are undecided about which university you will attend, please list the university that you will most likely attend.</h2>

<p>Now then, doesn’t it just depend on how optimistic you are? Perhaps my safety school would be the safest to put down, but I don’t necessarily “plan to attend.” Question’s still up in the air. Could someone who’s gone through the process before give some tips?</p>