question about IGETC during the summer quarter at De Anza

<p>Hi, I recently graduated high school and want to get an early start for college at De Anza. Can I complete my IGETC areas, i.e. Area 1A English Composition (EWRT 1A) and Area 4 Psychology at De Anza during the summer quarter? I'm also planning to transfer into computer science and I know most UC's recommend to not do IGETC since there are a high number of major prerequisites. However, is IGETC worth it because I want to TAG to UCSD which does recommend IGETC for comp sci. Thanks.</p>

<p>It depends…are the classes full already?</p>

<p>No, I registered for them on MyPortal but I haven’t paid for them. I have until June 22nd to pay for them or else they will be dropped and since I was not sure about them I came here to ask if it was worth it :)</p>

<p>Oh yea, if I do end up taking these classes this upcoming summer quarter do they count towards IGETC certification? Ty</p>

<p>Of course they count, and yes it is worth it.</p>

<h1>I’m also planning to transfer into computer science and I know most UC’s recommend to not do IGETC since there are a high number of major prerequisites.</h1>

<p>Would completing the IGETC courses as a CS major put you at a disadvantage?</p>

<p>Yea, Berkeley and LA recommend not doing IGETC while SD does but I think if we can fit IGETC with our major prerequisites it would be worth it. Therefore, I’m just going to try do as many of the major prerequisites that De Anza offers for Computer Science majors except for the ones that say “not articulated” on ASSIST and do IGETC too. Thanks again all for the info.</p>

<p>Actually, if you apply to UCLA and Berkeley it says on the website that LA does not accept IGETC at all for HSSEA while Berkeley it satisfies some GE breadth requirements. However, I want to TAG to SD and it says IGETC is recommended, but I also want to attempt to get into Berkeley/UCLA too. That is why I want to try and complete IGETC and as many major prerequisites as I can for Computer Science.</p>

<p>Summer quarter at De Anza starts at the very begining of July so…hurry up. EWRT 1A fills up FAST. Maybe consider taking some other GEs over the summer? PHTG 7 (fufills the arts req) with Castano is pretty laid back, and any PHIL class with Biamonte, for the humanities req, will be very laid back. There’s loads of classes that fulfill GE, not just psych and English.</p>

<p>As for Psych, whenever you do get that class, take Hassett! She’s wonderful.</p>

<p>Even if you don’t finish IGETC, it’s a good idea to get started over the summer so you can have earlier registration for fall, and a feel for what college is like.</p>