Question about ISR

<p>Hey, I have a question about ISR. Right now I plan to apply there because I have heard the location is excellent and a lot of engineering majors room there. However, everything i have read about ISR seems to indicate that it is really hard to get into because all the upperclassmen like to live there. If I submitted my application for housing really soon and got in, would I feel out of place around almost all upperclassmen? I have a feeling it would be easier to adjust to college life in dorm with a good number of freshmen, so in your experience have a lot of freshmen gotten into this dorm? </p>

<p>I would also welcome any opinions on any dorms that you think are a better choice than ISR or opinions of ISR.</p>


<p>it is not hard to get into isr.</p>

<p>ISR isn't known for being especially social. I don't know if this is a concern for you or not, but ISR does have a big population of international students from various Asian countries (mostly east Asia), so a lot of the time you'll hear language other than English being used. Though, apparently, last year the 4th floor guys did some crazy break a table...and all the lights in the bathroom...then stuck the broken glass from the lights in the washing/drying machines...</p>

<p>It is an unacknowledged fact, though, that there is a racial trend in the housing. Whether the university intended for it to happen or not, it did happen. And call me racist if you want, but the majority of east-Asian international students do not often intermix with people who cannot speak their native language.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm a white male, so are you saying that the racial groups in ISR tend to stick together? Would I have trouble making friends in ISR because of this?</p>

<p>as a chinese guy, let me tell you-</p>

<p>yes. especially if theyre korean.</p>

<p>How big is the korean undergrad popluation in Illinois? Sorry for jacking your thread here for a sec >_>;;; ... Also are they mostly immigrants or internationals?</p>

<p>"there is a racial trend in the housing. Whether the university intended for it to happen or not, it did happen."</p>

<p>"Would I have trouble making friends in ISR because of this?"</p>

<p>"yes. especially if theyre korean."</p>

<p>I'd say its more about conversations like this that make the housing segregated... i mean... people talk with their younger friends back home when they are wondering where to live. maybe people just prefer being with people they can relate to, as politically incorrect as it might be, tough ****.</p>

<p>"I'd say its more about conversations like this that make the housing segregated..."</p>

<p>These are all observations I've made since I started here my freshman year. No one told me about any of this ahead of time, cause I didn't know anyone who goes here back then. But I also didn't consider housing to be an especially critical thing when I was an incoming freshman.</p>