Question about Maximus Scholarship Competition

<p>Do stats at all affect whether you win any of the scholarships given through competition? Or do stats just get you in the door and then the awarding of the scholarships is based off essays and interviews?</p>

<p>For example, I’m ranked 8 out of 370 in my senior class (which almost puts me in the top 2%) and then I have a 35 ACT. Would by 35 ACT give me a small advantage over others who may have 32’s or 33’s? Or is it solely based off the essays and interviews?</p>

<p>essays only after the competition</p>

<p>When I went to Maximus last year, everyone was told that only the essays at the competition are used to determine scholarship winners (and that test scores and GPA would only be used in the rare event of ties in their essay scoring system). Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses and thanks for wishing me good luck :)</p>