Question about registration periods/dorm opening dates

<p>When a school's registration period starts before its dorms open, when do most people get there? Is it okay to get their on the day the dorms open, even if it's like a week and a half (or whatever) later?
My dad wants to buy plane tickets now and save some money, so if anyone can help me out here...</p>

<p>Do you mean is it okay to get there late if orientation starts before the dorms open? If that's it, the answer is no. You'd miss registering for classes and the chance to get to know your freshman peers(the lectures and hand outs they'll give you could be missed). I'm not exactly sure that's what you mean, so could you be a little more specifc?</p>

<p>On the Brandeis academic calendar, there's no specific day for orientation. The registration period is 8/15-9/17, and the dorms open on 8/26. When should I get there? Should I call and find out about orientation?</p>

<p>Never mind...I found a date for orientation elsewhere. Thanks for the response anyway.</p>