Question about Scholarship Certificates: Class of 2017

<p>Class of 2017 Scholarship recipients:</p>

<p>Have you/your students received their scholarship certificates from Bama? My DS’s school does not have the Bama rep come to awards night to give them out. When my DD received hers 3 years ago the counselor just gave them to her in the hall one day. </p>

<p>I called the high school a few weeks go and they say the Bama rep told them they would be sent to the school, but no certificates yet. Graduation is next Friday and I really wanted to have them for his senior display.</p>

<p>Mine was given to me at my school’s top 20 academic signing a few weeks ago. Another student at my school who is also going to Bama just got his from our counselor.</p>

<p>I would contact the rep directly for your area. Explain that you want it by a certain date, etc. Each rep seems to handle this slightly differently, depending on their territory, their other time commitments, etc.</p>

<p>Thanks, aeromom! I emailed our area recruiter this morning and he has responded that he will track down my son’s certificates! I am guessing that they are lost somewhere in his high school and will need to be reprinted.</p>

<p>I didn’t even know DS was suppose to get a certificate! Thanks for this post.</p>

<p>The honors and awards ceremony at DD’s school is Thursday night. I hope the certificates will be available. There are 3 girls going to Bama from her school that hasn’t sent anyone to Bama in years - and all are receiving huge scholarships. One presidential scholar (DD) and two UA scholars along with the engineering supplement and stipend. All of a sudden Bama is on the map and even more juniors are seriously considering it. Hopefully, the scholarship requirements won’t change too much.</p>

<p>DD texted a few minutes ago that her recruiter came to school and met her in the guidance office to present her with her scholarship certificate. Sadly, the recruiter is unable to attend awards night next week but wanted to come and see DD in person. Unfortunately, there was no one in the office to witness the presentation!</p>

<p>Our wonderful recruiter is doing a get-together for new UA freshman of the eastern half of NC at the end of July. I don’t have details yet.</p>

<p>Bummer…we home school and my son’s graduation ceremony was this past weekend. Wish I had know about these before then…guess I’ll contact our local recruiter to see if we can get one for his scrap book at least.</p>

<p>Well, I now have all 4 certificates in my possession! It seems that the guidance counselor has had them for a few weeks and was going to include them in a packet when he got his diploma after graduation. She agreed to send them home with him today, so now I have them to frame for this weekend. Good thing we are done at this school, because I don’t think I made any new friends in the guidance dept. today.</p>

<p>Why four ?</p>

<p>Presidential, engineering leadership, alumni heritage and alumni scholar! We are blessed!</p>

<p>Son has not come home with his yet. His graduation isn’t until June 10. I remember older son got his in time for me to frame them for graduation.</p>

<p>Update - the certificates arrived for the honors ceremony last night. </p>

<p>About 140 awards were listed in the program. With so many awards, college representatives are not permitted to make individual presentations. However at our school, the associate principal reads the name of the student and the scholarship(s) received and they walk across the stage where the principal presents a certificate. This is either the certificate received from the college/university or a “photoshop” certificate prepared by the HS - so there is something to present. </p>

<p>Of all those awards, it appeared only Bama sent their own certificates to be presented by the principal. People noticed due to the large size of the folder compared to the small size of the school prepared certificates. Another nice touch from Bama!</p>

<p>Here in the northern Atlanta suburbs last evening the UA recruiter for the area personally attended our High School Scholarship Night awards ceremony to award three UA scholarships – including my DS. </p>

<p>He was the ONLY recruiter in attendance from ANY university - other than the representatives for the military academies. The HS has a fairly large senior class that is just under 600 students of which three students were personally presented their scholarship certificates (a fourth student was not able to attend). I think that was a nice touch by the University of Alabama. </p>

<p>Our recruiter has been very helpful during our college selection process… my thanks to Andy Morrison!</p>

<p>He ended the presentation with a “polite” Roll Tide… after all we are in Georgia Bulldog territory – and for some reason they don’t like the Crimson Tide too much! :wink: </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>UA Recruiter Amanda Dworsky attended S’s HS awards night near Charlotte, NC and presented certificates. S is the only student from his HS attending UA so it was a very personal touch. Ua was one of only two schools with representatives attending for scholarship recognition.</p>

<p>So happy for all of your students being recognized by Bama reps for their great accomplishments! I sometimes wish that our school would acknowledge the scholarships at the awards ceremony, but after 7 years (2 kids) of going to the ceremony I guess I am glad that they get it done quickly! </p>

<p>Also, a shout out to Andy Morrison for his “Roll Tide” in the middle of Dawg and Tech country!</p>

<p>I really disappointed now hearing this. My son just finished his first year at UA and he never received any certificates last year from UA.</p>