<p>Ok so let's say you take the SAT 2 times.</p>
<p>First time-2200
Second time-2150</p>
<p>Which score gets sent? The better score (2200) or the latest score (2150)?</p>
<p>Ok so let's say you take the SAT 2 times.</p>
<p>First time-2200
Second time-2150</p>
<p>Which score gets sent? The better score (2200) or the latest score (2150)?</p>
<p>May depend on the school. Some want you to send all, some superscore, where you can send best individual scores (CR, M, essay) no matter the date.</p>
<p>I believe all schools that you apply to through commonapp require both, because the application asks for it. I could be wrong…hmm</p>
<p>^ I think you are wrong there. I know for instance USC superscores and they are using the common app this year.</p>
<p>Some require you send all. They will probably consider your better score or super score (where they take the highest from each section and add them together).
Check the policy of the schools you are applying to online</p>