Question about transferring credits

Junior year I took AP Lang & Comp and got a 3, which UA course equivalent is EN 101. This year I am taking a dual enrollment English class which is technically two classes. UA on the website said the Equivalent for one class was EN 101 and the other was EN 197. Does this mean that one of the equivalents to EN 101 would just be a waste or would UA give me credits for another class like an elective? I’m not really sure how the whole credit thing works.

Contact the First-Year Writing Program to get this sorted out:

We’d just be guessing here.

Even if you find out that one of the 101 equivalents isn’t counted, please don’t consider the time spent “a waste”. Any writing classes improve your writing skills. In the long run, you’re a better writer…which will come thru when you take the Writing Intensive classes required in upper division.

^^ Agreed with that—and strongly. My D17 scored well enough on the AP test last year that she’d get EN 101 & 102, and is taking a dual-enrollment class this year that would transfer in as EN 101, which means that the dual-enrollment class doesn’t give her any extra credit. It isn’t remotely a waste of time or effort, though, because college-level writing is one of the things new students struggle most intensely with—so the more background you have, the better off you’ll be.

Sorry I meant that in a waste of money sense. The class is a lot more expensive than the AP test if I were to take AP Lit.