Question about UAlbany and transferring credits

<p>Transferring credits from BMCC. I'm a freshman, looking to get my GPA up and transfer to UAlbany when the time comes. Or Baruch, but at least I understand which credits transfer to Baruch.</p>

<p>I just need help understanding how this site works.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Under "Transfer Courses" it's BMCC's courses. My question is about "UAlbany Equivalent(s)" and "Transfer Course Title(s)". I just want to know if Transfer Course Titles is empty, does it mean that the BMCC course doesn't transfer? For example ACC222 is empty in the transfer course title section, so does that mean that ACC222 does not transfer to UAlbany?</p>


<p>Okay sorry, just saw the link sends you to a no records found page.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In this link just choose Borough of Manhattan Community College where it says “College/Institution Name”. The just click on “search for matching courses”. And it will take you to the page where I thought I linked you at first.</p>

<p>I’m not very popular around here, that’s for sure. I feel like a bum in a train, asking people for change and every one just stares at me.</p>