University Fellows and CBHP

<p>First of all, congrats to the Fellows semi-finalists! </p>

<p>Quick question - why does it take so much longer to find out about CBHP? We are impatient over here! :slight_smile: But we still won’t hear for a few more weeks, right?</p>

<p>CBHP has a review process that is very intensive and time consuming. They really thoroughly evaluate all the candidates since there are only 40 slots. Now that is not to say that UFE is not as intensive, but their timings are not coordinated with each other. They are two separate Honors College programs spearheaded by two different people.</p>

<p>Anyone with an inside scoop know when we’ll hear? Their email said by February…that seems a little late for kids that need to make flight arrangements.</p>

<p>Lisa - As stated the processes are different. UFE selectes 160 or so as semifinalists and uses the last few weeks to do phone interviews to reduce the number down to who will be invited for the UFW weekend. CBHP does their deep selection as a commitee and only invites the finalists for the CBHP weekend. So, it really just comes down to how each area has decided to get down to their finalists. We got a chance to speak with Dr. Sharpe on the selection process for CBHP and I will tell you that they are very thorough!!</p>

<p>Last year DS found out that he was a CBHP finalist in very early Feb. for the CBHP weekend which was Feb 18th (in 2012) so we did have a few weeks to plan it out. Not a lot of time but enough to plan as long as you don’t have any prior appointments. Of course, I can still remeber that we had very few weekends free last year as a HS Senior but luckily this one worked for us.</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you and your kids !!</p>

<p>Thanks, Memphis Guy. Did he mention how many CBHP apps they typically get, and how many are invited to the weekend?</p>

<p>If I’m remembering the dates right, CBHP finalist weekend was 2/19-20 last year, and the e-mails went out on 2/7, so it was a little less than 2 weeks notice. However, I think there was something going on last year that delayed the finalist decisions, so that might not be the norm. I don’t know how many applicants CBH gets (it’s less than UFE), but I thought they invited around 50-55 finalists to fill the 40 spots. Last year a number of students who were not invited to finalist weekend were put into a reserve pool, and I’m aware of half a dozen students who were ultimately invited to CBH from the reserve pool. There could be more - those are just the ones I know of.</p>

<p>Beth’s mom is correct it was a bit later last year than in previous years. If I remember correctly Dr. Sharpe was dealing with some issues or committments that delayed it a few days. She is also right on the reserve pool being another possibility.</p>

<p>I don’t remember the numbers exactly but there was a string floating around on the number of applicants last year, I want to say around 800 for UFE and 600 for CBHP but I cold be wrong. I think DS said that there were like 45 or so on the CBHP name list from the finalist weekend last year, so 50 - 55 is probably correct on the invites and 5 or 10 couldn’t make it for various reasons.</p>

<p>Another thing for all applicants to remember… sometimes CBHP may seem like the perfect fit at first but you need to realize it really doesn’t fit everyone. If you don’t get selected as a finalist or even if you do, there are still MANY opportunities at Bama. DS ended up not doing CBHP even after being selected as a finalist because it just didn’t feel right (for various reasons), but he is thriving at Bama. Entered the Emerging Scholars program, is already in a lab doing research and has another research program setup for this summer. (And got to go to the BCS Championship with the MDB…I was VERY jealous)</p>

<p>Bottom line…UFE and CBHP are just one of the excellent paths that are available at Bama.</p>

<p>If you get invited to the CBHP weekend and can’t attend - are you out? Is it an all weekend event? I know I am totally ahead of myself but the third Saturday in February is not a possibility for my dd if she gets selected - she could be there Sunday.</p>

<p>Last year UFE interviews were on Friday and Saturday and CBH was Sunday and Monday. If you’re a CBH finalist and you can’t make the weekend you’re not out - they’ll find another way to interview you. From what I’ve heard, though, the interview event is very worth while.</p>

<p>Thanks MemphisGuy!</p>

<p>I thought DS had applied to UFE because he was very interested in it. Seemed like a good fit. Classes and other apps got in the way and he decided to not spend the time applying. Great to hear that he can find other opportunities if he winds up at Bama!</p>

<p>No, you certainly are not out, if you cannot attend, but attending an event like this is extremely worthwhile. Even, if you are not eventually selected, you will meet people, make connections, find friends and learn valuable interviewing skills. At the same time you are getting to spend some extra time on campus getting used to the place. It won’t feel so unfamiliar when the semester begins. I would suggest that if you are selected for CBHP as a semi-finalist that you make the effort to come to the weekend. People you meet will be evaluating you for the program, so put your best foot forward. Be yourself and have fun.</p>