Question for Out of State Honors Students

How do out of state students work out attending both Bama Bound and Honors Action Week? We were told you can’t do both at the same time and it doesn’t look like they have a Bama Bound session close to Honors Action Week. We’re in California and are trying to avoid paying for multiple plane tickets so our son can attend both.Thanks!

Bama Bound is required for incoming students, so your son will have time find a way to attend it. There is usually a session right before classes begin for students that can’t travel to campus more than once, but I haven’t looked at this years schedules to see if that conflicts with the Honors Action week. Parents are not required to attend and there are links here from prior years from parents who sent their children to Bama Bound on their own. I opted to go with my son, but honestly most of what they’d covered, I was already aware of from spending time here on CC.

The Honors Action weeks have always been the week before classes begin, so students just move in to campus early, so your son would have to make a trip to move to campus whether or not he does the action week.

We did our Bama Bound very early (I think in May) and then my son did early move in for Outdoor Action, but we’re ‘only’ 500 miles away and we just drove the 16 hour round trip twice.

Unless you can schedule his Bama Bound session just prior to Honors Action week, I think he will have to travel two times.

My son did, and I attended Bama Bound with him. And, along with his dad, I traveled to UA to move him in for Alabama Action. It was rather stressful as he didn’t schedule BB until late July, so we were back within two or three weeks as I recall. Hopefully, you can get that last BB session scheduled, and if it appears fully booked, I’d pick up the phone and call to see if they can accommodate your son, given your circumstances.

Keep in mind you’re moving him in for the semester when you come for Honors Action - either send him alone to Bama Bound or just accept that this is a onetime expense and try not to dwell on it too much. I know it’s hard. We had to travel to Russia twice in four weeks to adopt our younger son, so maybe that’s why two trips to Tuscaloosa in a similar time-frame didn’t seem as daunting or expensive.

BTW, some kids actually move in without their parents too. I know it’s not the norm, but there are a lot of kids on very tight budgets. Do what works best for your family.

Most OOS students end up having to travel twice…once for BB and once for Move-in (which would include rush or an honors action week).

Monday, Aug. 14, to Friday, Aug. 18 was the honors action week this past Aug. The last few BBs won’t jive because they’re either during Action Week, or a couple weeks before.

You might want to bring this to the attention of the dept who’s in charge of BB and their dates. In the past, they have made changes when issues were brought to their attention. If a change were made, the best I could see is maybe having a one-day BB on the Friday before the honors week, but that will still require you to pay for hotels, etc, for Thursday thru Sunday, which may not save you much money.

Another thing to find out is whether the Honors College will let an Action student miss a day and attend the BB that is during that week.

Fill out this form with your concerns and submit…let us know what you hear back

Thanks so much for your advice! The Honors college already told us we can’t do BB and Action Week at the same time but I will fill out the form and try to bring it to their attention. We can’t be the only one with this problem. I’ll keep you posted.

Curious, do Action Week and band camp overlap? There have to be kids doing both of those camps.

@SOSConcern, can you answer @cubmomtx’s question (#6)?

Yes, the Million Dollar Band Camp and Honors Action Week overlap. My daughter moved in early for Action Week, but her Honors College roommate, who was also in MDB, could not do Action Week due to band camp. Also, during Bama Bound, the student registers for the week-long Honors Action since it is technically a 1-credit class. For 2017, the last 3 Bama Bound sessions were on Aug. 16-18, while Honors Action started Aug. 14-18.

I believe the college makes a decision on only opening the dorms for the time frame, and students need to choose what they will be doing. Million Dollar Band has gotten SUPER competitive since UA won the National Championship - 400 members and 250 on ‘waiting list’ (essentially auditioned but didn’t make it in). DD is one of 5 clarinets that are seniors, and 3 of them has done it for 4 years. One co-oped and missed last year; not sure what happened with the other senior. There are some seniors that lost their spot because other students auditioned better.

I was working/traveling, and not on the computer for maybe a 48 hour time frame.