Question for People who have taken Math 114 before, the curve

<p>Grade Breakdown:
50% midterms
15% hw
35% final </p>

<p>I did terribly on the midterms and missed one because I was sick. No lowest grade drops allowed though. What is the best case scenario for a grade at this point assuming full 35% on final? I've been trying to read about the curve everywhere. There aren't that many people in my class, so if the common final exam sets the bar for each class individually, then I may be doomed. If anyone can share information about this, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm terribly worried. :[</p>

<p>I can’t answer your question. However, I’d suggest you make use of one of Penn’s FREE tutors asap. They’re free to all students so you should take advantage as soon as you have any inkling of difficulty in any class.</p>