<p>I love you leah. ;)</p>
<p>I love you leah. ;)</p>
<p>I would not go shopping to get a girl to like me.</p>
<p>Hmmm.... okay, well I would If thats what she wants to do.</p>
<p>Guys that shop with their girlfriends kind of creep me out.</p>
<p>Wrong move.</p>
<p>I seriously don't like shopping that much. I am kinda the get in/get out of the store type person.</p>
<p>Yeah, I get tired after about 2-3 shirts.</p>
<p>I hate shopping to. :( It sucks!</p>
<p>You just said you'd happily do it.</p>
<p>I go online and see what they have and stuff so that when I actually set foot in the store, I can make a beeline for what I want and leave.</p>
<p>Phil is happy when his girlfriend cracks that whip.</p>
<p>I would for my girlfriend but I hate it! I'm willing to sacrafice myself buddy! Yeah I'm that nice of a guy. :)</p>
<p>Wrong move chief. Maybe later on in a relationship, but definitely not when trying to get a girl.</p>
<p>Yeah whatever are you the chief of what to do with a girl Junior?</p>
Phil is happy when his girlfriend cracks that whip.
<p>It is probably a whip made of coupons and gift cards.</p>
<p>No. Because "cheif" is not a word.</p>
<p>shaddix: sounds like a mighty fine whip to me..</p>
<p>"i" before "e", except after "c"</p>
<p>*with a few exceptions. "chief" is not one.</p>
<p>Can a girl please verify that I speak the truth?</p>
<p>So what do you do when you meet a girl for the first time Junior? I'm curious</p>
<p>He says, "dear, letchs gothe to tsa buckle"</p>