Question on retaking

<p>I took the SAT in December of last year and did pretty well. However, I want to retake, and don't know when. I could</p>

<p>A) Take in March, leaving one test date senior year as a back-up
B) Wait until senior year and have two test dates available</p>

<p>My only real trouble is CR. Is a month reasonable time to bump up that score? I'm looking for 50-100 pts improvement. It seems like enough time, but I don't want to waste a test date if it's not.</p>

<p>I’d probably wait until senior year, because that gives you the whole summer.</p>

<p>I think what I’m going to do is practice all this month and then take a full practice test the week before the test date. If I get 2300+, I’ll take the test. Otherwise, I’ll wait. I have of plenty of practice tests left so it’s no problem.</p>

<p>I would take it in May/June…that way you can find out what you need to study during the summer. Then take it again in October and/or November (if necessary).</p>