Question on UA Credits Earned

<p>In Degreeworks, my son has one number of Overall Credits Earned, UA Credits and Transfer Credits in the top section.</p>

<p>Then down below, right under the first bar that has his degree program, it has a second set of numbers, credits applied, which is quite a bit more than the amount of overall credits earned.</p>

<p>I think that number might be the overall credits earned, plus the bonus credits for EN103 and ENGR142, plus AP credits that didn’t fit anywhere. Does that sound right? If so, that means for courses like EN103, which give a student 6 credits, they really only 3 credits earned in the UA credits earned section. Is that right?</p>

<p>Second attempt, even I couldn’t understand that first post.</p>

<p>How do the courses that offer additional credit count at UA? For example, ENGR 142, which is one hour class but gives two for completion. It looks like it only gives one hour for UA credits earned and is only counted as one hour and not two towards GPA.
Also, I think only one hour is counted towards defining whether or not a student is classified as full time.</p>

<p>Even though these kinds of courses give more hours and let students skip some classes, for most purposes do they really just count as regular credit hour courses?</p>

<p>I’m trying to figure this out, too…especially as it relates to the University Scholars program. </p>

<p>This is not exactly what you’re asking but for clarification - if a BS degree requires 120 credits, but the student is able to combine two courses into one (and ultimately only has 117 credits because of ENG 103, for example) - how does that figure in? I assume they don’t actually need to find another 3 credits somewhere…correct?</p>

<p>Bumping this for clarification…son is taking ENG103 right now. Wondering if he will have 3 credits applied or 6 credits? Also, it looks like Engg 142 only applies 1 credit (instead of the 2 credits he would have gotten with 131/141) - so degree works is showing him to be 1 credit short…just not sure how those lost credits are accounted for in the end. (Does he have to make up 4 credits somewhere along the way?)</p>

<p>I am very confused about this ENG103 class. I understood it replaced ENG 131/141 and another 1 hour class and carried 3 credits. But y’all are saying that it carries 6 credits AND your kids took 131/141 as well?</p>

<p>Soooooo confused…</p>

<p>My post is referring to English 103 (honors version of English 101/102) - not Engineering 103. Engineering 103 is new this year. Sorry for the confusion!</p>

<p>Sorry to hijack the thread. Thanks for clearing things up RTRmom2!</p>

<p>I just pulled up S’s transcript and I see that he received credit for Engg 142 and Engg 131 (1 credit each) so I am assuming he will also receive 3 cr for English 103 and 3 cr for English 101. And…those credits count towards academic standing but not towards GPA…correct?</p>

<p>MereMom - I believe you are correct about Engg 103.</p>

<p>Class2012, if your S has already registered for Fall 2013, the Credits Applied number will include not only his spring courses in progress but also the courses he’s signed up for in the fall, so it is a bigger number than you might expect. For my D, only the actual credits she took in the fall are showing up under UA credits earned. Her extra 3 credits for EN 103 show up as Transfer Credits, along with her AP, CLEP and CC credits.</p>

<p>Son also took ENGLISH 103 in lieu of EN101/EN102 this fall…he has a letter grade for 3 hours for EN103 and just “credit” for 3 hours for EN 101 like beth’s mom said above it shows up the same way AP credits do…but also wanted to let you all know the 3 hours for EN 101 didn’t show up right away so don’t fret if it isn’t there at the end of the semester…it was maybe a few weeks until it was updated on degree works :)</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I sent you PM already, RTR, but this may further clarify for others, here.
Both the 3 EN 101 retroactive credits (for having taken EN 103), and the 1 ENGR 131/141 extra “bonus” credit (for having taken ENG 142) show up as “P” on the transcript - they are not factored into GPA because they cannot be. Because EN 101 is a Freshman Composition graduation requirement (unless you have AP credit), it will show up in Degree Works as a green checkmark as a course completed, sometime after you complete EN 103. Eng’g 131/141/142 are also required courses, but if you take ENGR 142 in lieu of the other two, that bonus credit for ENGR 141 will show up in the “Electives” section of Degree Works, since taking ENGR 142 satisfies the degree req, and ENGR 141 credit is “extra”.
I had forgotten about these extra, retroactive credit hours, and they actually bumped my S into an earlier registration time-slot last week. Roll Tide!</p>