<p>hi everybody.vi'm new to this site.vso as of right now im confused.. i want to transfer to UCI, UCSD, UCSB for the fall of 2012. i am a Biology major and i am well aware that i NEED to take Bio & General Chem. As for O-Chem & Physics it is "recommended" to take at the CC to graduate in 2 years. But what if I don't take O-Chem & Physics and apply anyways with TAG? & just take the rest of it at a UC. or even just take one class of Physics and finish the rest at a UC. Because my friend transferred this year to UCSD as a Biology major with just taking Bio & General Chem and she got in (& is IGETC certified). I'm registering for spring semester and I don't know what to do.. please help me out. </p>
<p>thank you! (:</p>
<p>I’m not a bio major, but I know it is fine to transfer without completing every course. However, you need to make sure of which courses are required and which are recommended for each school you are applying to. Each school is different. Your friend who got in is proof enough that you may transfer without it. As for TAGs, they tend to be very strict and require that you finish everything (possibly missing a course or two is ok, depending on major, but will give you least priority). However, just because you are not TAG eligible, doesn’t mean you can’t transfer the regular way. </p>
<p>Rule of thumb, the more classes you have satisfied, the greater chance you have.</p>
<p>oh okay thank you so much
i really appreciate it!</p>
<p>@peacelovelt: Biology is an impacted major at UCSD (and I think UCI, not sure about UCSB,) and thus TAG is all but useless. TAG guarantees you admission to the University, but not a major. If you’re applying for an impacted major, you’re also required to apply for a secondary non-impacted major (which TAG virtually guarantees.) Definitely get as many pre-reqs done as you can, as that will increase your chances of getting in.</p>