Questions about the graded essay? Here are two answers from Middlebury.

<p>I had called up the Midd admissions office after reading some of the posts here. Here are the questions I asked, with the representative's responses.</p>

<p>Question 1: The essay I'm submitting was written in January of 2008. Is that too far in the past?
Answer: As long as it was written your junior year or later, it's fine.</p>

<p>Question 2: My essay doesn't really have that many comments on it. Would that pose a problem?
Answer: You can submit any essay that has some comments and a grade.</p>

<p>The rep also reminded me to submit a COPY of the essay, not the original thing. </p>

<p>Feel free to post any other bits of knowledge you have about the submission requirements in a response to this post. (Remember: they want analytical essays, not research papers. I wouldn't submit anything that cites sources other than what you're analyzing). </p>

<p>Hope this helped!</p>

<p>You are posting this six days after the deadline. Thanks any way.</p>

<p>Yes, but Middlebury would probably accept a “replacement essay” if you realized the one you sent wouldn’t work.</p>

<p>I sent in a second essay of a different style two weeks later to supplement the one that I had initially sent in. They did not reject it, and I was ultimately accepted ED1, so I figure it only shows that you love the school and want them to see you are making a real effort to get in. Thank you, I495!</p>

<p>ok… here’s a question. The paper my son sent was graded online. He faxed and the fax only printed in black and white according to our fax machine print out. All comments are in Blue Caps, but sprinkled throughout the paper. If faxed in B&W though, they don’t really show up, and he didn’t highlight them or otherwise make differentiate them because he thought he was faxing in color. Point is, should he call to ask if he should resend snail mail for comments to be more readable? I might have already asked this, but my DH just asked to see the essay son decided to send and so it kind of came up again.</p>

<p>If the comments were in caps, they’d probably be discernible. I would at least call before mailing it, as they might otherwise assume you’ve sent in two different essays.</p>