Questions - answer any, answer all

<p>How is the coffee in the cafeterias, especially near West? Good coffee is breakfast for me – no coffee makers allowed in the dorm - NOT good news.
Does move in take one day? Two days? (Coming by plane, buying some things there)
Can stuff be stored over the summer nearby – cost?
Does anyone use a “microfridge”? Is it worth the $$$$?</p>

<p>Coffee in the cafeterias is pretty gross. Not exactly sure about West but in Warren they make it in machines with the logo Newman's Organic or something like that. I dunno it's just pretty bad but definitely worth it some mornings. I usually just opt to pay a dollar and some change every morning for coffee at the numerous convenience stores.."City Convenience" for example of which there are many. For those with a little more buck there are at least two Starbucks in eyeshot of basically anywhere on campus and another one being put in underneath Warren as I write..
You can get away with a coffee maker in the dorms although it might smell pretty obvious, but I mean people make that instant stuff in the microwave all the time. Just be smart about it and at worst you'd just pay a fine if anyone gave you a problem about it so it's not a big deal.</p>

<p>You can move in one day. I mean I dunno it only took me a couple hours just depends I guess. You can store stuff in storage facilities for the summer and there are numerous companies that advertise this throughout the final weeks of school. It's a pretty easy process but I have no idea of the cost. I mean, I'm sure it's pretty ridiculous for just storing stuff, but I mean just about all long distance students do it cause it beats the hell out of shipping things back and forth. Pretty much everyone gets the microfridge, especially the first year. It's not worth the money, but then again it's your only option so I mean you'll probably wanna do it. I did.</p>