Questions for admitted and attending transfer students at SLO

Do you think that CPSLO is a welcoming school for nontraditional transfer students? I recently went on one of their Green and Gold tours and found myself quite alienated from the rest of the group; most were 18 year-old incoming freshmen. The average age of a CPSLO undergraduate is 20. I’m actually worried that I will feel too old and out-of-place. I’m 24 now and have taken a few years off to work, live independently, and try some different trades. Now that I’m finally settling down to finish my B.S. I think that I’ll feel quite disconnected from the average student. Any thoughts?

Accepted, transfer student
Golden 4: all A’s, one honors
Major Prep: completed with A’s, only one was IP when applying
side note, I had a TON of biology classes under my belt, as well as Calculus I&II, I think that helped
EC’s/Work: 1-5 hours per week when applying


04-08-2018 at 2:11 pm in Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Do you think that CPSLO is a welcoming school for nontraditional transfer students? I recently went on one of their Green and Gold tours and found myself quite alienated from the rest of the group; most were 18 year-old incoming freshmen. The average age of a CPSLO undergraduate is 20. I’m actually worried that I will feel too old and out-of-place. I’m 24 now and have taken a few years off to work, live independently, and try some different trades. Now that I’m finally settling down to finish my B.S. I think that I’ll feel quite disconnected from the average student. Any thoughts?

04-10-2018 at 5:04 pm
@EMSPG94 Hey Mitch. I don’t have questions about your major, so I get it if you ignore this question, hah. BUT, I’m wondering how comfortable you have felt at SLO as a transfer? Was it hard to assimilate and connect with people? How does it compare to your expectations?

Response: Hey I looked into your profile. I am also a local who transferred from Allan Hancock College. I went to school here for about four years (2012-2016). I switch my majors too many times, hahaha. From 2014-2015 I started doing the nursing program, but decided that it was taking too long; so I just transferred to Cal Poly SLO. I transferred at age 22. Just like you, I felt that I was older, but that will change when you get into your WOW group during orientation in mid-September. You become grouped up with people who are just like you, a transfer “non-traditional students.” These “wowies” will most likely be your closest support group, besides the friendship you make in your major. The truth is you will indeed feel a bit different, but classmates will look up to you due to your maturity. People respect you if you put the dedication into the classroom, and I advice helping out your peers out. A good thing about cal poly is the concept “teamwork, or having each other backs” as in study groups in the library, or if someone is missing make sure you get the notes from someone else. In the semester to the quarter system, I noticed that it was faster paced. But I very doable and once you get used to it, you realize you love the quarter system. If you want to assimilate and connect with people, I suggest in joining a club. Although I did join a club and met amazing people, I felt like my commuting back and forth has restrained my social life. I lived my first quarter at San Luis Obispo but moved back home for financial reasons. I commute every day from Santa Maria. However, if I were living in San Luis Obispo, I would be more involved in campus life. My expectations of Cal Poly SLO compared to C.C. is that it is faster paced, class size may be similar to C.C., or maybe the size may be just a little bit larger, and professors are still very connected to the student’s as office hours are great.